Unify and manage your data

Add a profile using Collaborative Profile Creation wizard

Learn how to create a new profile using the Profile Creation Wizard.

Enable the Collaborative Profile Creation feature for an entity type in the UI Modeler. For more information, see topic Configure Collaborative Profile Creation for an entity type.
When you enable and configure the Collaborative Profile Creation for an entity type, the profile creation wizard appears when you try to create a new profile for the entity type.

Watch this video to learn how to add and save a profile using the Collaborative Profile Creation process.

To create a new profile using the Collaborative Profile Creation wizard:
  1. In the Hub from the left navigation menu, select Create new profile.
  2. From the list of entity types, select the entity type for which you want to create a profile. For example, the Organization entity type.

    The profile creation wizard opens.

    Note: At the top right corner of the page, you will see a dropdown with 2 modes based on roles and permissions assigned to you - Suggesting and Editing. Select Editing to directly save the profile and select Suggesting to suggest changes using the Collaborative Profile Creation process. You should have sufficient permission on attributes based on the mode you selected
  3. In the first step, select Search from the right pane to open the Search results tab.
  4. Start entering details in the attributes in the facet.
    Entering attribute values displays a corresponding profile list in the Search results tab in the right pane. This also includes values entered for reference attributes related to existing reference entities. For example, if you select Distributor as the Organization type from the drop down, a list of Distributors is displayed.
    Note: This search feature is available in all steps in the wizard. It helps you determine if the profile already exists in the system by listing similar profiles. Select on any of these profiles to open the profile in a new tab.
  5. Enter details in the displayed attribute fields. For nested attributes, select Create Attribute. to display all attributes belonging to the nested attribute.
    For example, you can view and enter details for all attributes for an Address attribute.
  6. Select Continue or the name of a step to navigate to the step.
    In our example Organization entity type, the next step is Finance.
    Note: If you don't see a step, you don't have permissions to access it. Ensure only relevant users have access to steps. For more information, see topic Role based access for steps in Profile creation wizard
  7. Enter details in the facets, and select Continue to go to the next step.
  8. After entering all details, do one of the following:
    1. Collaborate in Suggest mode - Select Suggest to create the profile in pending mode as a suggested entity.
      A message indicating that the changes are saved as pending and sent for review is displayed. Note that these profiles are not available outside the profile creation process; this means that you cannot search for nor view them in the Hub.
      When you select the Suggest, the system creates a new Authoring workflow task for the Collaborative Profile Creation process. This task enables other users to review and update the profile before saving it. The user who is assigned the task receives an email with a link to open the pending entity. The user can update the profile, reassign the task to another user, or approve/reject the task.. For more information about how the authoring workflow operates, see topic Suggest and save profiles using the authoring workflow.
      Note: Alternatively, navigate to the Inbox application to view the Authoring workflow. Open the workflow, update the profile and either save it or select Suggest to assign the task to another user who has reviewer access.
    2. Save the profile - To save the profile, from the mode selector dropdown, select Editing. This displays the Save button. Select Save to save the profile.
    3. Select Cancel to discard your unsaved changes or updates and return to the main Hub.

    After all details are added and the record is ready for consumption by downstream systems and business process, the last user to accept the task actually saves the profile. The profile is then saved in the database, and you can view it in the the Profile view.

    View, edit, or delete the profile, based on your settings, in the Profile view tab for the entity type in the UI Modeler.

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