Profile management at a glance
Get a high-level view of Profile management.
Take it from the top with profile management. Get the overview here, then see the sub topics in this section to drill down to the details.
What is profile management?
What is an entity? An entity can be a person, organization, place, object, or thing that is an element of your organization. Reltio uses Profiles to manage entities. For more information, see topic Profiles at a glance.
Who is profile management for?
This content is curated for these Reltio user roles defined in topic About roles:
Business User
Data Product Owner
Data Steward
Why would I use profile management?
Using the profile management, you can:
Create a new profile
View profiles using the Viewing mode. This mode is a good choice for any user who wants to only view a profile or does not have the privileges to edit the profile.
Edit profiles using the Editing mode. In this mode, all changes made to a profile are saved as one transaction and available as a single item in history.
Suggest changes using the Suggesting mode. Users with no editing privileges can be granted special privileges to suggest changes. In other words, these users can initiate Data Change requests by suggesting changes in a profile.
View relationships, potential matches, sources, and activities for an entity.
Where do I find profile management?
Reltio Multidomain MDM
Reltio Customer 360
Create profiles from Profiles at a glance.
. View and manage existing profiles from . For more information, see topic