Unify and manage your data

Add a Workflow Task

Learn how to add a workflow task for a profile.

To add a new workflow task:

  1. In the Profile perspective, click the Workflow tab on the right pane. You will see the Add New Workflow dialog.

  2. From the Select task type drop-down, select the required workflow task from the following:
    • Account Onboarding

    • Process with custom JARs

    • Data Verification with Loop

    • Recommend for Delete

  3. In the Type a comment field, enter any comments relating to the workflow task.
  4. Select Start. A new workflow task is created, and you can see it in the Workflow tab in the Profile perspective.
  5. Select the arrow button next to the task.

  6. In the Due date field, select the calendar icon to specify the date when the task is due.
  7. From the Priority drop down, select the priority of the task.
  8. From the Assigned to drop down, select the name of the employee who is responsible for completing the task.
  9. In the Comments field, enter comments for the workflow task.
    Note: Press the Shift and Enter keys to add a new line in the Comments field.
  10. Press the Enter key or select the arrow button in the field to submit the comments.

  11. Based on your workflow task, select the appropriate action to be executed.
    • From the drop down list, select the Accept data option to accept the workflow task.
    • Select Reject data to reject the workflow task.
      Note: You can enter comments and submit it and then complete the action for your workflow. You can also combine these two steps by entering the comments and, without submitting the comment, select the relevant action. This ensures that the comment is submitted and the action is executed.

Actions to complete the task

The user to whom a task is assigned has to take the necessary action to complete the task. If you have selected a Data Change Request Review or Recommend for Delete tasks, the following workflow actions are available:

You can opt to Delete the workflow task or cancel it.

If you have selected a Potential Match Review task, the the following workflow actions are available:

You can choose to merge the potential match profiles, or specify it as not a match.

Note: You can view the More options menu only for those tasks that are assigned to you. This option is not available for tasks that are not assigned to you.