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Adding and Editing Relationships

You can also add relationships to a profile, if your tenant configuration allows it.

Add or Edit Relationships

Depending upon your tenant configuration, you may be able to add relationships to a Profile.

  1. Click the Add Relationship icon.

  2. Depending upon your configuration, select a relationship type to continue.

  3. You can find an existing relationship entity by typing into the relationship field.

  4. Click the + Create new relationship link to create a new relationship entity.

  5. Click the +More attributes link to display more entity attribute fields.
  6. Click Save to save the relationship.
  7. Click the Pen icon to edit an existing relationship.

    In this example, you can edit the relationship type by selecting a new value from the drop-down list. You can edit the relationship label by clicking the (change) link. Click the +More attributes link to display more entity attribute fields. To edit the all of the referenced entity attributes, click the hyperlinked name of the relationship to display the Profile view for that entity.

  8. Click Save to save the relationship.

Add and Edit Relationships in Edit Mode

In Relationships facet, a user can make and revert multiple changes. These changes are not applied instantly. Instead, the user will review the changes and decide whether to save them for this profile or to roll them back as a batch: