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Suggest and save profiles using the authoring workflow

Learn how to review, suggest, and save profiles in the authoring workflow.

Use the Collaborative Profile Creation feature to create profiles, and save them in the pending mode. For more information, see topic Add a profile using Collaborative Profile Creation wizard. In other words, start an authoring workflow by selecting the Suggest button after you enter details in the profile attributes.
When a profile is created in the Suggest mode, an authoring workflow based task is created. Each reviewer based on workflow configuration gets a chance to review and update the profile before saving it. Each reviewer can update or approve /reject the profile based on workflow configuration and permissions. Once all reviewers approve (or reject in some cases) the updates, the last reviewer in the workflow reviews, updates, and accepts the task to save the profile.
Note: To update an entity in pending mode you need the INITIATE_CHANGE_REQUEST permission assigned to your role. To approve, the ACCEPT_CHANGE_REQUEST, INITIATE_CHANGE_REQUEST, and CREATE permissions must be assigned.

In this topic, let's see how the authoring workflow operates. By now, a user has created a profile in the pending state that has resulted in an authoring workflow. There are 2 reviewers in this workflow - Reviewer 1 and Reviewer 2.

To suggest and save profiles using the authoring workflow:
  1. Reviewer 1 logs into Reltio.
  2. In the Dashboard, go to the Notification Inbox facet.
  3. Select the link that denotes the authoring workflow.
    The Collaborative Profile Creation page opens to the first step by default.
    Note: Reviewer 1 can update the profile, assign it to another user, or approve/reject the task to, move the profile to the next reviewer in the workflow. In other words, the dropdown in the top right corner only contains the Suggesting option.
  4. Review the profile, make changes, and do one of the following:
    1. Update - Select the Update button to ensure that the changes you made reflect in the profile. At this point, the workflow is still assigned to you.
    2. Reassign task - Make changes, if required, and select this option to reassign this task to another user, based on workflow configuration and user role assignment.
    3. Approve - Review the profile and make the required changes. Select Approve to approve the changes and move the task to next step in the authoring workflow. The next reviewer based on the workflow configuration now receives notification to review the profile
    4. Reject - Review the changes and select Reject to reject the changes.
  5. Reviewer 2 logs into Reltio.
  6. In the Dashboard, go to the Notification Inbox facet.
  7. Select the link that denotes the authoring workflow based task.
  8. In the step driven wizard, review the profile, and make the required changes in each step.
  9. After reviewing and making the required changes, select the Approve option from action menu item.
    Since this is the last step in the authoring workflow, the profile is saved in the database and is available for use by downstream systems and processes. In the Hub, use the Search option to search for this profile, and view its details in the Profile view.