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Editing profiles

Learn how to edit profiles or add suggestions in your profiles.

In the Profile view, you can select the Editing or Suggesting mode to edit details in a profile.

When you save a profile after editing it, a background process checks for any parallel updates and data enrichment to the profile. If updates were made, you will see a notification message asking you to refresh the page to view the updated details.
Note: You must configure this functionality in your UI configuration file for update check to be initiated. For more information on updating configuration files, see topic Export and Import of UI Configuration Files.
When editing a profile, attributes without values are not displayed. You can configure your UI to include such attributes. For more information, see topic Display attributes in all modes.

To edit a profile:

  1. In the Search page, search and select the profile you want to edit.
  2. In the Profile view, select the Editing mode.

  3. To add a new value to an attribute,select the + icon next to it.
  4. Select or enter the new value.

    If the attribute's maximum cardinality is set to 1 and it already has a value, the + icon will not be displayed. However, the + icon is displayed if the cardinality is any value other than 1, irrespective of the number of existing values for the attribute. For more information, see topic Attributes configuration.

    Note: Some attributes such as State may include a predefined set of values from which to choose. The associated dropdown displays a limited set of values. At the end of the list, select the LOAD MORE button to view the next set of values, along with the existing ones.
  5. To add new attributes to a facet in the Profile view, select +MORE ATTRIBUTES.

  6. From the list of attributes displayed, select one or more attributes you want to add to the profile. For longer lists, use the field to find the desired attribute.
    Note: By default, the list of attributes isn't sorted alphabetically. To view this list in an alphabetical order, you must add a configuration in your UI configuration file. For more details, see topic Configuration to sort list alphabetically
    1. Enter the attribute name in the search field to filter the list of available attributes you can select. The icon next to the attribute in the list indicates the attribute type:
      • simple attribute:
      • nested attribute:
      • reference attribute:
        Note: If you edit a control attribute so it no longer satisfies its condition, the relevant conditional attributes are removed from the Profile view, but any values for these attributes remain. If you edit a control attribute so it then satisfies its condition, the relevant conditional attributes are displayed. If they aren't displayed, add them from the More attributes link. For more information about conditional attributes, see topics Conditional attributes and Add conditional attributes when creating a profile.
  7. Make all changes required and select Save.

    After you save the profile, you will see the following message:

    A background check is initiated to check for any other updates to the profile. If there were updates to the profile, the following message is displayed:

    If there were no updates, then the following message is displayed:

Suggesting mode in profiles

To make suggestions in a profile:

  1. Select Suggesting mode.
  2. Make the required suggestions in the attributes.
  3. Select Suggest to update the suggestions.

Viewing warning messages from RDM

Reference Data Management (RDM) is enhanced to enable you to search for Reference Data Management lookup errors in the Hub without making configuration changes. In Advanced Search, the Records with RDM Transcode Errors option enables you to search for the entities that have problems with RDM lookups. For more information, see Working with Advanced Search Filter Options.

When you open entities with Reference Data Management errors, the Reference Data Management validation warnings aren’t displayed. To see these warning messages, you must submit a Support Ticket requesting a configuration change.

Sample Warning Message: