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Workflow management at a glance

Get a high-level view of Workflow management.

Take it from the top with workflow management. Get the overview here, then see the sub topics in this section to drill down to the details.

What is workflow management?

A workflow is a series of sequential steps or tasks that are carried out based on user-defined rules or conditions to execute a business process.

In the Reltio platform, the Workflow allows you to manage complex business processes through a series of predetermined steps or tasks. For more information, see Workflow Tasks.

Who is workflow management for?

This content is curated for these Reltio user roles defined in topic About roles:

Business User Data Product Owner Data Steward

Why would I use workflow management?

Use workflows to manage complex business processes through a series of predetermined steps or tasks.

When would I use workflow management?

Use workflows when you want to enable processes and tasks management, including the assignment and tracking of the tasks.

Where do I find workflow management?

Reltio Multidomain MDM Reltio Customer 360

Manage workflows from Application selector > Inbox. For more information, see topic Inbox at a glance.