Unify and manage your data

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Data loading at a glance

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What is data loading?

Data Loading is the process of importing data into the Reltio platform from files stored on local systems or various cloud storage services, such as Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage (GCS), or Azure.

Who is data loading for?

This content is curated for these Reltio user roles defined in topic About roles:

Data Steward Reltio Configurator System Administrator

Why would I use data loading?

Data Loading is ideal for ingesting data from files when direct system integrations are not available. It provides a flexible way to upload and unify data across multiple systems, ensuring the platform has accurate and consistent records.

When would I use data loading?

Use Data Loading when you need to:
  • Import data files from your local computer or cloud storage platforms like S3, GCS, or Azure.

  • Load data that is not directly integrated with Reltio but still needs to be unified within the platform.

  • Perform batch uploads of data for initial setup, periodic updates, or one-time imports.

Where do I find data loading?

Reltio Multidomain MDM Reltio Customer 360

Load data from Console > Tenant Management applications > Data Loader. For more information, see topic Data Loader at a glance.