Unify and manage your data

Create a segment

Learn how to create a segment for Reltio Customer 360 in the Reltio Hub.

Segments empower you to reach out to particular sets of customers and ultimately enhance their experiences. As a first step to using segments, you must create segments using the Dynamic Segmentation feature in Reltio Customer 360.

On selecting Segmentation from the left slide-out menu, the Segments page lists the existing segments.

Note: Dynamic segmentation is enabled by making changes to the way in which entities and interaction attributes are stored, indexed, and retrieved. Currently, Reltio provides this feature in the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Amazon Web Services (AWS) environments with plans to extend it for other cloud providers in the future releases.

If there are no existing or shared segments, you can create segments by following the steps given below.

  1. On the Segments page, select the + Create segment button on the top left or select the Create segment button in the middle of the screen.

    On the Create new segment page, the segmentation rule builder appears. You can add additional rules by selecting Add set, if needed.
  2. In the Entity type field, select the entity type for which you want to create a segment. For example: Individual.

  3. Set the filter criteria for the segmentation rules by selecting an attribute, the appropriate operator, and specifying the value of the attribute. For example: Individual role equals Prospect.

    The Sample Profiles panel on the right side displays the profiles that match your filter criteria. This preview gives you an idea of your selected audience.

  4. Let’s add some interaction details too that can narrow down our segment to the set of audience we want to single out.
    1. Select the interaction attribute and a relevant operator and specify the value for which you are creating the segment. For example: Interaction date before 01-Sep.

    2. The corresponding Interaction type is automatically displayed. You can set the condition with regard to its presence or absence by selecting the Exists/Not exists value. The Interaction type could be such as Multi-channel/Generic Interaction, Service Request, Purchases, Web Events, or Email.

      Based on the selected interaction type, the attributes are listed in the Select attribute field.

      With the criteria further refined, the right side panel displays the Sample Profiles that match your segmentation rule perfectly.

      Your complete rule is also listed at the bottom of the page.

  5. Select Save from the top right corner of the page.
    The Save as a new segment page appears.

  6. Enter a Name, Description, and specify the outreach of the segment by selecting either Only me or All users in the Share with field.
  7. Select Save.
See the segment's information, such as the name and description, with whom it is shared, who created it, the date of the last modification, and the number of the profiles contained in each segment. You can modify the segment details, activate, export, or delete a segment. For more information, see topic Work with segments.
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