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Working with Advanced Search Filter Options

Learn about the filtering options in advanced search.

Advanced search provides additional operators for filtering records.

List of available operators

  • equals: results are an exact match of the search value
    Note: This operator is not case sensitive. It will display all results that match the search criteria, irrespective of whether it is in uppercase or lowercase.
  • not: results exclude the exact match of the search value
  • exists: results have a value in that field
  • full text: results contain any of the search terms (for example: term1 term2) somewhere in the field.
    Note: A term must exist in the field and multiple terms can be separated by spaces or special characters.
  • has all: results for multiple values from the same attribute based on AND operation
  • missing value: results have no value for that field
  • starts with: results start with the search value
  • count equals: the number of values in an attribute equals the search value.
  • count not equal: the number of values in an attribute not equal to the search value
  • count less: the number of values in an attribute less than the search value
  • count less or equal: the number of values in an attribute less than or equal to the search value
  • count greater: the number of values in an attribute greater than the search value
  • count greater or equal: the number of values in an attribute greater than or equal to the search value
  • count in range: the number of values in an attribute greater than the minimum and less than the maximum search value
  • Is pinned exists: filters profiles that have the specified attribute pinned
  • Is pinned missing: filters profiles that do not have the specified attribute pinned
  • Is ignored exists: filters profiles that have the specified attribute ignored
  • Is ignored missing: filters profiles that do not have the specified attribute ignored
    Note: For more information about using the pin and ignore related filter options, see topic Exploring the Advanced Search.
  • in file: file-based search: results have any one of the search values taken from a file.
    When doing a file-based search, there is a limit on the number of values that can be returned from one file. The current limit is 5,000. If you do a search that would return more than 5,000 values, an error message is displayed.
    Note: Limitation for supported file size is 5000 rows. Before selecting a file, make sure that the number of rows in the file does not exceed 5000. If you are uploading multiple files, ensure the total number of rows in all the files does not exceed 5000.
  • not in file: results exclude any one of the search values taken from a file
  • contains: results include all records that contain the entirety of the input value as a substring somewhere within the attribute value
Note: You may have to wait longer to get your results, for complex searches, when you:
  • Use the contains condition, along with wildcard characters
  • Run multiple wildcard searches simultaneously

The count comparisons are relevant only if there are nested attributes. The count is the number of those nested attributes within that entity that meet the search criterion.

Example using the equals operator:

  • HCP has nested attributes identifiers, and a search returns 5 HCP. Out of these 5 HCP, only one has two identifiers.
  • If the search is select count = 2, then the search will return one record.

Specific operators for date values

  • On - results match the specified date
  • Before - results contain all records prior to the specified date
  • After - results contain all records on or after the specified date
  • Within - results include records within the specified date range. You can select from any of the following date ranges:
    • Last 24 hours
    • Last 3 days
    • Last 7 days
    • Last 30 days
    • Last 6 months
    • Last year
    • Pick date - select the From and To dates

Specific operators for integer/numeric values

  • Less than - results include records with values lesser than the specified value
  • Less than or equal - results include records with values lesser than or matching the specified value
  • Greater than - results include records with values greater than the specified value
  • Greater than or equal - results include records with values greater than or matching the specified value
  • in - results include all the specified search values
  • not in - results exclude the specified search values
  • You can search your entities based on their Start Date and/or End Date (Activeness). Additionally, even the potential matches can be searched upon by using several operators, including by specifying the range.

  • While searching for RDM transcode errors in profiles, the profile won't be a part of the search results if the error is associated only with hidden attributes.