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Rebuild Match Table Task

Learn about the Rebuild match table API

You want to be sure that all relevant data is considered when you run a matching process. Run the RebuildMatchTableTask if you made any of these changes after you loaded your data:
  • Turned on match rules
  • Edited match rules
  • Edited survivorship rules for any attributes included in match rules
Note: After you turn on match rules, the matching process automatically runs when you load new data. You don't need to run the RebuildMatchTableTask in this case.
Stop and Pause are supported.


Tenant admin role is required:

POST {ApplicationURL}/rebuildmatchtable

Tenant admin role is required:

POST {ApplicationURL}/api/{tenantId}/rebuildmatchtable
Parameter Required Default Value Description
tenantId Yes ID of the tenant to rebuild match table.
entityType No Entity type to check. All types are checked if this parameter is not specified.
skipEntitiesCount No 0Number of entities which are skipped during reindexing.
entitiesLimit No infinityNumber of entities which are processed during reindexing.
distributedNofalseIf set to true, the task runs in distributed mode (refer to Distributed Mode).
taskPartsCountNo2Number of tasks which are created for distributed reindexing. Each task will reindex its own part of objects, and all of them can be executed on different API nodes in parallel. Recommended value: count of API nodes which can execute the tasks.
Note: This parameter is used only in distributed mode distributed=true; otherwise, it is ignored.
deleteOldCFNofalseIf set to true, the task deletes old matching Column Family after it is completed.

1 <= distributedTaskIndex <= taskPartsCount

Body (optional)

JSON Array of entity URIs to rebuild match tables. Only match table records related to the URIs are rebuilt in this case.

Note: It is recommended that you run consistency tasks after running the rebuild match table task. For more information, see Memory Safe Cassandra Matches Consistency Task and Cassandra Potential Matches Consistency Task.


After you run the RebuildMatchTableTask, run the additional PostRebuildMatchTableCheckTask to ensure that all match documents are processed. This additional task is disabled by default. To enable this task, raise a support ticket. For details, see topic Get help in Support Portal .

This dependent periodic task performs the following:
  • Processes the same records that the RebuildMatchTableTask processed
  • Uses the same parameters and any URI list as the RebuildMatchTableTask
  • Checks if the match tables are updated correctly
  • The PostRebuildMatchTableCheckTask may be time consuming, and in some cases can take longer than the RebuildMatchTableTask.
  • The PostRebuildMatchTableCheckTask always runs in non-distributed mode even if the parent RebuildMatchTableTask is executed in distributed mode.


To remove overcollisioned flags, run removeOvercollisionedTokenstask with remove=true parameter.

Note: The RebuildMatchTableTask task does not remove overcollisioned flags from the match keyspace.
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