Unify and manage your data

Fix Incomplete Merge Task

This task checks (based on some internal data and logic) if any entities appear as losers but are not completely merged.

Such entities are fixed if the merge can be completed; otherwise, the task sends a notice about such cases.

Stop and Pause are supported.


Tenant admin role is required:

POST {ApplicationURL}/incompleteMergesCheck

Tenant admin role is required:

POST {ApplicationURL}/api/{tenantId}/incompleteMergesCheck
Table 1. Parameters
Parameter Required Description
tenantId Yes ID of the tenant to check.
distributed No If set to true, the task runs in distributed mode (see details in Distributed Mode).
taskPartsCount No

Number of tasks which are created for distributed mode. Each task processes its own part of objects. All of the objects may be executed on different API nodes in parallel.

Recommended value: count of API nodes which can execute the tasks.

Default is 2.

Note: This parameter is used only in distributed mode (distributed=true); otherwise, it is ignored.
fixInconsistency No

The task does not fix a found inconsistency if this parameter is set to false.

Default is false.

force No

If set to true, all found potential incomplete merges are fixed as well.

Default is false.

Note: If you use this parameter, you must use it carefully, since it may cause unexpected results. Before running the task forcefully, you must run the task with the fixInconsistency parameter disabled, and you must manually verify all found potential incomplete merge operations.
checkSince No Timestamp in UNIX format. If this parameter is specified, then only entities merged after the timestamp are checked.
maxResultsToStore No

This parameter stores incomplete merge operations found in the format "loserId->winnerId" in its status. This parameter is needed in order to prevent consuming a huge volume of memory in the case when numerous incomplete merge operations are found.

Default value is 1000.

Body (optional)

JSON Array of entity and/or relation URIs to be checked.

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