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On-the-fly Entity Cleanse API

This API cleanses the entity data in the tenant (one entity at a time), on-the-fly.

Once the cleansing is done, this API returns a body of the cleansed entity that is not persisted to the database.

Note: This API cleanses the address record on-the-fly without persisting the data. This means that a ReltioCleanser crosswalk is not created for the address record being cleansed using this API. You cannot use this API to cleanse any persisted data, which means that you cannot pass an address URI using this API.


POST {ApplicationURL}/api/{tenantId}/entities/cleanse?type=other&returnUserData=true
Table 1. Parameters:
Parameter Required Description
tenantId Yes This is the ID of the tenant to re-cleanse the entity information.
type Yes This indicates the cleanser name or the cleanser type URI to be used for cleansing.
returnUserData No This parameter is by default true and returns the output, that is the cleansed data. If set to false, it returns both the input data (information passed in the body) and the output data (cleansed data).

Response Body:

The response body consists of an Entity JSON Object. This API cleanses the given entity and returns the cleansed data without persisting it to the database.

Sample Response Body:

{ "uri": "entities/1PhKUYgd", "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Location", "createdTime": 1615305791442, "updatedTime": 1615305791442, "attributes": { "AddressLine1": [ { "value": "3804 N Orange Blossom Trl Ste E 10" } ], "StateProvince": [ { "value": "FL" } ], "City": [ { "value": "Orlando" } ], "Country": [ { "value": "United States" } ], "Zip": [ { "value": { "Zip5": { "value": "32804" } } } ] } }
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