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Get Tasks History for Tenant

Get tasks for the specified tenant.


Time to live (TTL) for history records is a maximum of 30 days from the last status update.

Get Tasks History for Tenant

Returns tasks for the specified tenant with the following statuses: CANCELED, COMPLETED, COMPLETED_WITH_ERRORS, or FAILED.

Note: Available to Admin and the Tenant's Admin.


GET https://{{api}}/{Tenant}/tasks/history?entityTypes=HCP&entityTypes=HCO Authorization: Bearer {{token}} GET https://{{api}}/{Tenant}/tasks/history?type=com.reltio.businesslogic.tasks.delete.DeleteEntitiesByTypeTask&createdBy=user1&orderBy=START_TIME&ascending=true Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Table 1. Parameters
Name Required Details
max No Positive Integer value to identify the maximum number of tasks to return in a response. Default is 50.
offset No Positive Integer value to identify starting what element in the result set should be returned in a response. Can be used to organize pagination in combination with the max parameter. Default is 0.
entityTypes No String array to filter tasks by entityType.
type No

String value to filter tasks by type.

createdBy No String value to filter tasks by initiator.
status No Enum value to filter tasks by status. Available values: CANCELED, COMPLETED, FAILED, and COMPLETED_WITH_ERRORS.
orderBy No Enum value to sort tasks by the field. Available values: STATUS(ascending order: CANCELLED, COMPLETED, FAILED, COMPLETED_WITH_ERRORS), CREATED_BY, CREATED_TIME, START_TIME, TASK_TYPE (alphabetical order). Default is START_TIME.
ascending No Boolean value to set sort direction. Default is false.


An array of completed tasks for the tenant.

[ { "id": "37f56390-e860-4d62-8094-edd4f32d873e", "groupId": "018fb663-8305-4145-a337-2b9f3563dd2e", "createdTime": 1574381309919, "createdBy": "user@reltio.com", "updatedTime": 1574381309919, "updatedBy": "user@reltio.com", "type": "com.reltio.businesslogic.tasks.reindex.ReindexDataTask", "status": "COMPLETED", "name": "Reindexing of all types in tenant testTenant", "createdOnHost": "host1", "executedOnHost": "host1", "parallelExecution": false, "nodesGroup": "default", "startTime": 1574381310368, "endTime": 1574382343411, "parameters": { "tenantId": "testTenant", "entityType": "all types", "skipEntitiesCount": "0", "entitiesLimit": "", "updateEntities": "true", "updatedSince": "0", "force": "false", "uriList": "", "enableSeparateIndexing": "false", "forceIgnoreInStreaming": "false" }, "currentState": { "entityType": "all types", "lastExecutionEC2Instances": "i-0a91acc142ed08715", "numberOfFailedToPublishEvents": 0, "skippedEntitiesCount": 0, "lastHourThroughput": 108.22981262207031, "numberOfProcessedObjects": 111021, "maxQueueSize": 32768, "status": "Completed" }, "throughput": 107.47435, "duration": "17m 13s" } ]
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