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Version API

Get the software version.

This page provides detailed information pertaining to what version of software is currently running on all components on your system. This helps when you need to understand whether or not fixes that are in a certain HF are applied to the operating environment, or to troubleshoot environment-related issues.

Modifications to release versions have been added to the existing /version endpoints for these components:

  • API
  • Auth
  • Export
  • Image Hosting
  • Validation
  • LCA
  • DTSS
  • RIQ
  • RDM

Reltio services has endpoints such as GET /version. This endpoint returns information about version of the service itself and versions of used components (if any). Some services return version information in a first level, but most of them have complex structure and contain separate information for each component (for those services it is possible to use GET /version/component_name endpoint). Usually, the response for a particular service (component) contains:

  • hash: id of a last commit in VCS
  • branch: name of a branch in VCS
  • commitTime: time of a last commit in VCS
  • tag: tag content (if any)
  • release: number of a release (is taken from pom.dita)


Table 1. Parameters
Name Required Details


Authorization Yes

Information about authentication access token in format "Bearer <accessToken>" (see details in Authentication API).

Content-Type Yes

Should be "Content-Type: application/json".