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Entity crosswalks remove end dates

Learn more about the task to remove end dates from entity crosswalks.

The removeEndDates endpoint of the Tasks removes the deleteDate property from entity crosswalks.


Tenant admin role is required - POST {ApplicationURL}/api/{tenantId}/removeEndDates

Table 1. Parameters
Parameter Required Description
tenantIDYesThe tenant ID of the tenant that you want to check for entities to delete end dates.
entityTypeNoThe entity type that you want to check.
skipEntitiesCountNoThe number of entities you want to skip while processing. For example, if you specify 5 here, the first five entities are skipped. This field defaults to 0.
updatedSinceNoThe date on which the entities were last updated. Entities updated on or after the date specified here are processed.
startTimestampNoThe starting date range of the end dates that you want to remove. Entities whose end date fall on or after this specified date are processed.
endTimestampNoThe ending date range of the end dates that you want to remove. Entities whose end date fall on or before this specified date are processed.
distributedNoIndicates if the task is to be run in the distributed mode. Can be true or false. By default, this is set to false.
taskPartsCountNoThe number of tasks to be created for distributed processing. Each task will process its own part of objects, and each one of them may be executed on different API nodes in parallel. This field defaults to 2. However, we recommend you enter a value that corresponds to the count of API nodes that can execute the tasks.
Note: This parameter is applicable only if you have set the distributed parameter to true.
distributedTaskIndexNoIndicates the part of the distributed job that needs to run. This option enables you to rerun a specific job part that previously failed. For example, 1.
Note: This parameter is applicable only if you have set the distributed parameter to true.
filterNoThe search filter for more accurate selection of objects for processing. This parameter is not enabled if you set the the distributed parameter to false.


JSON Array of entity URIs to be processed. This is optional. For example:["entities/9LIMXfO"]


[ { "id": "464ad37b-cedb-44a2-9745-ea6e743806cb", "groupId": "b7c0f9ab-cd21-4841-b873-09ba1f0aedd8", "createdTime": 1663730488676, "createdBy": "user.name@example.com", "updatedTime": 1663730488676, "updatedBy": "user.name@example.com", "type": "com.reltio.businesslogic.tasks.reltioid.RemoveEndDatesTask", "status": "SCHEDULED", "name": "Removing 'end-dates' of all types in tenant ABC background task (started by user.name@example.com)", "createdOnHost": "dataload-7448df5f5c-5pp5q", "parallelExecution": false, "nodesGroup": "default", "parameters": { "tenantId": "ABC", "entityType": "all types", "uriList": "[\"entities/9LIMXfO\"]" }, "currentState": {}, "duration": "0s" } ]
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