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Merge Tree Consistency Based on Entities Task

Learn about the task to check and fix merge tree inconsistencies in the ENTITIES column family.

This task scans the ENTITIES column family to identify and, optionally, fix inconsistencies in merge tree structures.

A tenant admin role is required to run the request.


POST {ApplicationURL}/api/{tenantId}/mergeTreeConsistencyCheckForEntities
Table 1. Query Parameters
tenantIdYesThe identifier of the tenant to check.
distributedNoRuns in distributed mode if set to true.

This means that several tasks (as specified in tasksPartsCount) will be created instead of one. Each task will reindex its own part of objects. These tasks will be executed in parallel on different API nodes (if there are more than one free API node which may execute periodic tasks).

The parallelExecution parameter will be set to true automatically for all of these tasks in this case, therefore please make sure that no other tasks for the same tenant are running.

Default: false.

taskPartsCountNoNumber of tasks which will be created for distributed reindexing, each task will reindex its own part of objects, and all of them may be executed on different API nodes in parallel.

Recommended value: count of API nodes which can execute the tasks.

Default value: 2.

This parameter is only used in distributed mode, otherwise ignored.

fixInconsistencyNoIf set to true, the task fixes found inconsistencies.

Default: false.

produceEventsNoIf this parameter is set to true, the task generates events when an entity is fixed.

Default is true.

Table 2. Body Parameters
entitiesToCheckNoJSON Array of entity or relation URIs to check.

Default value is empty, meaning that all URIs will be checked.

checkWinnersOnlyNoIf set to true, the task only scans and checks for winners.

Default: true.


Here's a simple example of a check for a couple of URIs including winners and losers:{ "entitiesToCheck": ["URI1", "URI2"] "checkWinnersOnly ": false }
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