Unify and manage your data

Cassandra Es Consistency Task

Compares entities in the main and search storage areas.

This task compares entities between the main and search storage areas and resolves basic inconsistencies if found. If some entities are present in the search but not present in the main data storage, this task removes these entities from the search storages. If some entities are present in the main storage but not present in search, task tries to reindex such entities.

Note: Stop and Pause are supported. In case of Pause, the task restarts from the beginning.


  • Tenant admin role is required: POST {ApplicationURL}/esCassandraConsistencyCheck
  • Tenant admin role is required: POST {ApplicationURL}/api/{tenantId}/esCassandraConsistencyCheck&fast=true
Note: The fast=true option is deprecated. Therefore, use the MemorySafeCassandraEsConsistency task instead.


If provided, this will process the objects specified in the JSON array. [ "entities/Uri1", "entities/Uri2", ... "entities/UriN" ]
Table 1. Parameters
tenantId Yes ID of the tenant to compare matches and entities.
entityTypeNoThe entity type to be checked (all types will be checked if this parameter is absent).
maxResultsToStoreNoThe task stores URIs of the entities, for which inconsistency was found, in its status. This parameter is required to prevent huge consumption of memory when a large number of entities with inconsistency are found. Default value: 1000.
compareVersionsNoIf set to true, then the version of the objects in the main and search storages will also be compared. Default is false.
fixInconsistencyNoIf set to true, the task will fix inconsistencies. Default is true.
restoreTILsNoIf this parameter is set to true, the task will add TIL column for entities (losers) for which it is missed. By default, this is set to false.

If the parameter is set to true, then the task will reindex entities with version conflicts in ES. Default is false.

distributedNoIf this parameter is set to true, the task is executed in the distributed mode. By default, this is set to false.
taskPartsCountNoThe number of tasks that will be created for distributed reindexing. Each task will reindex its own part of objects, which may be executed on different API nodes in parallel. We recommend you enter the count of API nodes which executes the tasks. The default value is 2.
Note: Use this parameter only in the distributed node.
largeVersionThresholdNoThe version threshold that is used to flag objects having a large version. Any object whose version is over this threshold is reported in the objectsAboveVersionThreshold field. The total number of objects that have a version above this threshold value is reported in the totalObjectsAboveVersionThreshold field. The default value for this field is 2^60.