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Get Total Active Tasks Count for a Tenant

Get the total count of tasks for the specified tenant.

Returns the total count of tasks for the specified tenant with the following statuses: SCHEDULED, PROCESSING, PAUSING, PAUSED, CANCELING, WAITING_FOR_RESOURCE.
Note: Available to Admin or the Tenant's Admin.


GET {ApplicationURL}/{Tenant}/tasks/_total
Table 1. Parameters
Name Required Details
filter No

Enables tasks filtering by a condition. Format for filter query parameter:

filter=({Condition Type}[AND/OR {Condition Type}]*)

The Condition types are:

  • equals(property, value): exact match condition ignoring case.
  • not equals(property, value): not equals condition ignoring case.
  • equalsCaseSensitive(property, value): exact match condition ignoring case.
  • containsWordStartingWith(property, tokenized value): prefix condition; returns entities that have condition property starting with condition value.
  • startsWith(property, stricted value): prefix condition; returns tasks that have condition property starting with condition value.
  • fullText(property, value): full text search; returns tasks that have condition property with condition value (any place).
  • missing(property): returns tasks with fields that have no values for property or property value is empty.
  • exists(property): returns tasks having some not empty value for property.

Search by multiple conditions is supported with AND and OR conditions.


JSON object with the total number of active tasks for the specified tenant.

{ "total": 13 }
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