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Cassandra Potential Matches Consistency Task

Information about how to compare entities and potential matches.

This task compares entities and potential matches from their respective storages and resolves inconsistencies (if found).

Note: You can Stop or Pause the task.


Tenant admin role is required:

POST {ApplicationURL}/potentialMatchesCassandraConsistencyCheck

Tenant admin role is required:

POST {ApplicationURL}/api/{tenantId}/potentialMatchesCassandraConsistencyCheck
Table 1. Parameters
Parameter Required Description
tenantId Yes ID of the tenant to compare matches and entities.
entityType No The entity type to be checked (all types will be checked if this parameter is absent).
maxResultsToStore No The task stores URIs of the entities, for which inconsistency was found, in its status. This parameter is required to prevent huge consumption of memory when a large number of entities with inconsistencies are found. The default value is 100.
fixInconsistency No If set to true, the task will fix inconsistencies. The default value is true.
waitForQueueStarting No If set to true, the task waits for queues to be empty before starting. The default value is false.
distributed No If set to true, the task will be run in distributed mode. The default value is false
taskPartsCount No The number of tasks that are created for distributed reindexing. Each task will reindex its own part of objects, and all of them may be executed on different API nodes in parallel.

Recommended value: count of API nodes that can execute the tasks. The default value is 2.

Note: This parameter can be used only in distributed mode (distributed=true), otherwise ignored.
uriListType No Defines the type of URIs specified in the body.
updatedSince No If specified, the task processes objects updated since the specified timestamp.
updatedTill No If specified, the task processes objects updated till the specified timestamp.
checkMatchingStrategy No If set to true, the task checks if the matching strategy configured for the tenant is applicable to have potential matches. The default value is true.
processPotentialMatchesCF No If set to true, the task compares potential matches column family also with entities. This can increase the task execution time but this parameter is not required in most cases. The default value is false.


If the body is specified, the task processes the objects specified in the JSON array.

[ "entities/Uri1", "entities/Uri2", ... "entities/UriN", ]
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