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SERP Parameters

SERP is Canada Post’s Software Evaluation and Recognition Program to evaluate third-party software. You can learn more about SERP parameters.

The following tables explain the input and output parameters for SERP.

Table 1. Input Parameters
Attribute Required
Address1 Yes
Address2 No
Locality No
AdministrativeArea No
PostalCode No
Country No

Output Parameters - Once SERP is enabled, the following three cleanse attributes must be defined and configured in the output mapping.

Table 2. Output Parameters
Attribute Required
SerpStatusEx Indicates the status of SERP execution. Following are the possible values:
  • V indicates Valid
  • C indicates Correctable; Correctable fields are corrected to their right values in the output
  • N indicates Invalid
Questionable Indicates that the address is questionable as per SERP. Following are the possible values:
  • QR indicates Questionable-Rural
  • QU indicates Questionable-Urban
  • No value indicates that the address is not questionable
Result VALID indicates that the address is valid.

Output Mapping Sample

{ "attribute": "configuration/entityTypes/Location/attributes/SerpStatusEx", "mandatory": false, "allValues": false, "cleanseAttribute": "SerpStatusEx" }, { "attribute": "configuration/entityTypes/Location/attributes/Questionable", "mandatory": false, "allValues": false, "cleanseAttribute": "Questionable" }, { "attribute": "configuration/entityTypes/Location/attributes/Result", "mandatory": false, "allValues": false, "cleanseAttribute": "Result" }

SERP Attributes Sample Configuration

{ "uri": "configuration/entityTypes/Location/attributes/SerpStatusEx", "label": "SerpStatusEx", "name": "SerpStatusEx", "description": "", "type": "String", "hidden": false, "important": false, "attributeOrdering": { "orderingStrategy": "LUD" } }, { "uri": "configuration/entityTypes/Location/attributes/Questionable", "label": "Questionable", "name": "Questionable", "description": "", "type": "String", "hidden": false, "important": false, "attributeOrdering": { "orderingStrategy": "LUD" } }, { "uri": "configuration/entityTypes/Location/attributes/Result", "label": "Result", "name": "Result", "description": "", "type": "String", "hidden": false, "important": false, "attributeOrdering": { "orderingStrategy": "LUD" } }
Note: The mappings and attributes are not added by default. The value of verificationStatus is updated by using the cleanse attribute SerpStatusEx instead of AVC for Canada addresses when the SERP process is used.
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