Unify and manage your data

Address Cleansing Properties

You can use options to configure the Address Cleansing function.

Table 1. Address Cleansing Properties
loqateDefaultCountryThis is the default country for Loqate requests, as an ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code. To find the code for a country, use the ISO Country code search. If not specified, USA is used.
loqateLicensedCountryThis property defines a list of countries for which the customer is licensed.
  • Based on this, records are cleansed.
  • If the address provided is not from a licensed country, the record is not cleansed.
maxAttributesCombinationsThis property defines the limit of possible combinations of attribute values to be cleansed when the allValues property is set to true in the inputMapping section of the cleanseConfig in metadata configuration.
optsThis property contains a map of options that are passed to Loqate as the opts parameter.
  • The Loqate results classification can be used to pass MinMatchScore (default value is 80) and MinVerificationLevel (default value is 4).
  • These options determine the minimum match score required and the accepted verification level for a cleanse result.
ovOnlyThis property is used to send OV values for cleansing using the ovOnly parameter in the cleanseFunction section of the tenant configuration.
  • When ovOnly is absent or equals false, Cleanse uses all OV values: "ov":"true" and "ov":"false".
  • When ovOnly equals true, Cleanse uses only the "ov":"true" values.
processThis property indicates the process involved in CASS and non-CASS cleansing. The default process is v+g.
  • c+g - Indicates CASS and Geocode cleansing data with the CASS and RDI modules.
  • v+g -Indicates Verify and Geocode standard cleansing.
returnDataByStatusThis option is used to get cleanse attributes for all locations that are not verified by the address cleanser. Multiple statuses are separated using a semicolon ( ;). For example, "returnDataByStatus": "Partially Verified;Unverified".
  • Specifies whether unverified statuses must be displayed from the cleanse function.
  • The default value is false. For additional information about returning verification status, see Configuring Return Verification Status .
  • If the value is set to true, the system returns the address verification status fields which can be used to determine the quality and accuracy of the processed input address. For more information, see Address cleansing status fields.
splitBuildingDeliveryAddrCheckThis property helps you control the shifting of Address<n+1> and DeliveryAddress<n+1> attribute values, when Building has the same value as Address1 or DeliveryAddress1. It also helps you ensure that Address1 and DeliveryAddress1 attributes contain valid values.
  • The default value is null or false. With this option set to false, the value of the Address<n+1> attribute is shifted to Address<n> and the values of DeliveryAddress<n+1> attribute are shifted to DeliveryAddress<n>, when Building has the same value as Address1.
  • With this option set to true, only the values of Address<n+1> are shifted to Address<n>, when Building has the same value as Address1. The values of DeliveryAddress<n+1> are shifted to DeliveryAddress<n> only when the DeliveryAddress1 and Building attributes have the same value.

When set to true, this property disables the address shifting cleanse logic, which shifts the values of Address<n+1> and DeliveryAddress<n+1> to Address<n> and DeliveryAddress<n>, if Address1 and Building attributes are the same in the cleanse response.

The default value of the property is false.

For example:

Consider the following attributes and their values:
  • Building= Rochester Hills Off Plaza
  • Address1= Rochester Hills Off Plaza
  • Address2= 1460 Walton Blvd
  • DeliveryAddress1= Rochester Hills Off Plaza
  • DeliveryAddress2= 1460 Walton Blvd
Note: Here Building=Address1=Rochester Hills Off Plaza.
  1. When disableAddressShifting is set to false, the values of these attributes in the output of Reltio API is:

    Address1 = 1460 Walton Blvd

    DeliveryAddress1 = 1460 Walton Blvd

    The value of Address2 & DeliveryAddress2 will be shifted to Address1 and DeliveryAddress1 respectively.

  2. When disableAddressShifting is set to true, the values of these attributes in the output of Reltio API is:

    Address1 = Rochester Hills Off Plaza

    DeliveryAddress1 = Rochester Hills Off Plaza
    Note: The value of the splitBuildingDeliveryAddrCheck option is ignored when disableAddressShifting is set to true.


[ { "pcde": "48309-1768", "ctry": "US", "admn":"MI", "add1": "1460 WALTON BLVD", "lcty": "Rochester Hills/Rochester" } ]


[ { "results": [ { "Building": "Rochester Hills Off Plaza", "ResultClassification": "RES_REVIEW", "PremiseNumber": "1460", "Address": "Rochester Hills Off Plaza<BR>1460 Walton Blvd<BR>Rochester Hills MI 48309-1768", "CountryName": "United States", "DeliveryAddress": "Rochester Hills Off Plaza<BR>1460 Walton Blvd", "LocalityStatus": "fsVerifiedLargeChange", "PostalCode": "48309-1768", "Latitude": "42.682240", "DeliveryAddress2": "1460 Walton Blvd", "ISO3166-2": "US", "Premise": "1460", "ISO3166-3": "USA", "DeliveryAddress1": "Rochester Hills Off Plaza", "GeoAccuracy": "P4", "GeoDistance": "0.0", "PostalCodePrimary": "48309", "AdministrativeArea": "MI", "ISO3166-N": "840", "Thoroughfare": "Walton Blvd", "Locality": "Rochester Hills", "Address2": "1460 Walton Blvd", "Address3": "Rochester Hills MI 48309-1768", "Address1": "Rochester Hills Off Plaza", "Longitude": "-83.159860", "AVC": "V44-I44-P7-093", "PostalCodeSecondary": "1768", "PremiseNumberStatus": "fsVerifiedNoChange", "SubAdministrativeArea": "Oakland", "AdministrativeAreaStatus": "fsVerifiedNoChange", "ThoroughfareStatus": "fsVerifiedNoChange", "MatchRuleLabel": "C1a" } ], "status": "OK" } ]
verificationStatusMappingThis property denotes the verification status from Loqate.
  • The available verification statuses are Verified, Partially Verified, Unverified, Ambiguous, Conflict, and Reverted.
  • You can declare all of them, a few, or just one of the available verification statuses.
ignoreUnverifiedResultsWhen the value of this property is true (default), the unverified results from CASS, CASS2 and SERP are removed. If it is set to false, then the unverified results from CASS, CASS2 and SERP are not removed, so the AVC,VerificationStatus and VerificationStatusDetails attributes are added to the entity when the value of the returnUnverifiedStatus property is set to true.

Sample Configuration

{ "cleanseFunction": "Loqate", "options": { "returnUnverifiedStatus": "true", "returnDataByStatus": "Partially Verified;Unverified", "loqateDefaultCountry": "USA", "loqateLicensedCountry": "US;us;UNITED STATES;United States;united states;USA;usa;Canada;CA;Australia;AU", "process": "c+g+pre", "opts": { "SuppressAddressFields": [ "Organization", "Building" ], "OutputCasing": "Upper", "StrictReferenceMatch": "Yes" }, "maxAttributesCombinations": 100 } }