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Initials Cleanser

The initials cleanser generates initials by extracting the first letter of each word from the Name attribute and adds an attribute to the ReltioCleanser crosswalk.

Cleanser Name - InitialsBuilder

Description - This cleanser generates initials by extracting the first letter of each word from the Name attribute and adds an attribute to the ReltioCleanser crosswalk as per the output mapping.

Limitation - Following are the limitations associated with the initials cleanser:

  • This builder does not generate initials for non-Latin words.
  • Words that are enclosed or prefixed with special characters are not considered when generating initials.

L3 Configurations - Map the InitialsBuilder for any entity in your L3 configuration. Here is an example of a sample configuration:

{ "uri": "configuration/entityTypes/HCP", "cleanseConfig": { "infos": [ { "uri": "configuration/entityTypes/HCP/cleanse/infos/InitialsBuilder", "useInCleansing": true, "sequence": [ { "chain": [ { "cleanseFunction": "InitialsBuilder", "resultingValuesSourceTypeUri": "configuration/sources/ReltioCleanser", "proceedOnSuccess": true, "proceedOnFailure": true, "mapping": { "inputMapping": [ { "attribute": "configuration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/Name", "mandatory": true, "allValues": false, "cleanseAttribute": "Name" }, { "attribute": "configuration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/Initial", "mandatory": false, "allValues": false, "cleanseAttribute": "Initial" } ], "outputMapping": [ { "attribute": "configuration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/Initial", "mandatory": true, "allValues": false, "cleanseAttribute": "Initial" } ] }, "params": { "isForce": true, "maxChars": 2 } } ] } ] } ] }, "attributes": [ { "uri": "configuration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/ID", "label": "ID", "name": "ID", "description": "", "type": "String", "hidden": false, "important": false, "attributeOrdering": { "orderingStrategy": "LUD" } }, { "uri": "configuration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/Initial", "label": "Initial", "name": "Initial", "description": "", "type": "String", "hidden": false, "important": false, "attributeOrdering": { "orderingStrategy": "LUD" } }, { "uri": "configuration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/Name", "label": "Name", "name": "Name", "description": "", "type": "String", "hidden": false, "important": false, "attributeOrdering": { "orderingStrategy": "LUD" } } ] }


Table 1. Example
Option Inputs (In) Initials (Out)
{} ABC xyz pvt. ltd. AXP
{“maxChars”: 5} ABC xyz pvt. ltd. AXPL
{“maxChars”: 5} Check with more than three words and case CWMTT
{} Use This String UTS
{} Reltio India RI
{“maxChars”: 1} Walter W
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