Email Cleanser
Reltio provides options to configure the email cleanser.
Cleanser Name - EmailCleanserFn
This cleanser takes the email, its type
, and activeness
, and produces many attributes with
the ReltioCleanser
crosswalk, as per the output mapping.
The email cleanser works in the same way as the existing custom email cleanser (that loads from S3).
Mapping Input and Output
The input and output mapping of the email cleanser can be configured in two ways.
- Implementation 1 works only when the email address is configured at the first nested attribute. This implementation does not work when configured at deeper nested levels. However, Implementation 2 works when configured at any nested level.
- Implementation 1 makes it compulsory to use the nested attribute name as
. The cleanser does not work if the name is changed. However, for Implementation 2, you can use any name for the nested attribute but thenestedAttributeToCleanse
attribute must be configured. For example,"nestedAttributeToCleanse": "configuration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/Email"
Options for Email Cleanser
Key | Allowed Values | Description |
casing | Allowed values are Lower and Upper | This is the option to convert the given email address to lower or upper case.
If no value is mentioned, the email address is returned as given. You can use
L3 Configuration
Map the EmailCleanserFn
for any entity in your L3 configuration as per the chosen implementation process.
L3 Configuration for Implementation 1
L3 Configuration for Implementation 2
Example to Understand the Input and Output Fields
Input Fields | Output Fields |
Valid Email Top-Level Domains (TLDs)
Type of TLDs | TLDs |
Generic | aaa, aarp, abarth, abb, abbott, abbvie, abc, able, abogado, abudhabi, academy, accenture, accountant, accountants, aco, active, actor, adac, ads, adult, aeg, aero, aetna, afamilycompany, afl, africa, agakhan, agency, aig, aigo, airbus, airforce, airtel, akdn, alfaromeo, alibaba, alipay, allfinanz, allstate, ally, alsace, alstom, amazon, americanexpress, americanfamily, amex, amfam, amica, amsterdam, analytics, android, anquan, anz, aol, apartments, app, apple, aquarelle, arab, aramco, archi, army, arpa, art, arte, asda, asia, associates, athleta, attorney, auction, audi, audible, audio, auspost, author, auto, autos, avianca, aws, axa, azure, baby, baidu, banamex, bananarepublic, band, bank, bar, barcelona, barclaycard, barclays, barefoot, bargains, baseball, basketball, bauhaus, bayern, bbc, bbt, bbva, bcg, bcn, beats, beauty, beer, bentley, berlin, best, bestbuy, bet, bharti, bible, bid, bike, bing, bingo, bio, biz, black, blackfriday, blanco, blockbuster, blog, bloomberg, blue, bms, bmw, bnl, bnpparibas, boats, boehringer, bofa, bom, bond, boo, book, booking, boots, bosch, bostik, boston, bot, boutique, box, bradesco, bridgestone, broadway, broker, brother, brussels, budapest, bugatti, build, builders, business, buy, buzz, bzh, cab, cafe, cal, call, calvinklein, cam, camera, camp, cancerresearch, canon, capetown, capital, capitalone, car, caravan, cards, care, career, careers, cars, cartier, casa, case, caseih, cash, casino, cat, catering, catholic, cba, cbn, cbre, cbs, ceb, center, ceo, cern, cfa, cfd, chanel, channel, charity, chase, chat, cheap, chintai, chloe, christmas, chrome, chrysler, church, cipriani, circle, cisco, citadel, citi, citic, city, cityeats, claims, cleaning, click, clinic, clinique, clothing, cloud, club, clubmed, coach, codes, coffee, college, cologne, com, comcast, commbank, community, company, compare, computer, comsec, condos, construction, consulting, contact, contractors, cooking, cookingchannel, cool, coop, corsica, country, coupon, coupons, courses, cpa, credit, creditcard, creditunion, cricket, crown, crs, cruise, cruises, csc, cuisinella, cymru, cyou, dabur, dad, dance, data, date, dating, datsun, day, dclk, dds, deal, dealer, deals, degree, delivery, dell, deloitte, delta, democrat, dental, dentist, desi, design, dev, dhl, diamonds, diet, digital, direct, directory, discount, discover, dish, diy, dnp, docs, doctor, dodge, dog, doha, domains, doosan, dot, download, drive, dtv, dubai, duck, dunlop, duns, dupont, durban, dvag, dvr, earth, eat, eco, edeka, edu, education, email, emerck, energy, engineer, engineering, enterprises, epost, epson, equipment, ericsson, erni, esq, estate, esurance, etisalat, eurovision, eus, events, everbank, exchange, expert, exposed, express, extraspace, fage, fail, fairwinds, faith, family, fan, fans, farm, farmers, fashion, fast, fedex, feedback, ferrari, ferrero, fiat, fidelity, fido, film, final, finance, financial, fire, firestone, firmdale, fish, fishing, fit, fitness, flickr, flights, flir, florist, flowers, flsmidth, fly, foo, food, foodnetwork, football, ford, forex, forsale, forum, foundation, fox, free, fresenius, frl, frogans, frontdoor, frontier, ftr, fujitsu, fujixerox, fun, fund, furniture, futbol, fyi, gal, gallery, gallo, gallup, game, games, gap, garden, gay, gbiz, gdn, gea, gent, genting, george, ggee, gift, gifts, gives, giving, glade, glass, gle, global, globo, gmail, gmbh, gmo, gmx, godaddy, gold, goldpoint, golf, goo, goodhands, goodyear, goog, google, gop, got, gov, grainger, graphics, gratis, green, gripe, grocery, group, guardian, gucci, guge, guide, guitars, guru, hair, hamburg, hangout, haus, hbo, hdfc, hdfcbank, health, healthcare, help, helsinki, here, hermes, hgtv, hiphop, hisamitsu, hitachi, hiv, hkt, hockey, holdings, holiday, homedepot, homegoods, homes, homesense, honda, honeywell, horse, hospital, host, hosting, hot, hoteles, hotels, hotmail, house, how, hsbc, htc, hughes, hyatt, hyundai, ibm, icbc, ice, icu, ieee, ifm, iinet, ikano, imamat, imdb, immo, immobilien, inc, industries, infiniti, info, ing, ink, institute, insurance, insure, int, intel, international, intuit, investments, ipiranga, irish, iselect, ismaili, ist, istanbul, itau, itv, iveco, iwc, jaguar, java, jcb, jcp, jeep, jetzt, jewelry, jio, jlc, jll, jmp, jnj, jobs, joburg, jot, joy, jpmorgan, jprs, juegos, juniper, kaufen, kddi, kerryhotels, kerrylogistics, kerryproperties, kfh, kia, kids, kim, kinder, kindle, kitchen, kiwi, koeln, komatsu, kosher, kpmg, kpn, krd, kred, kuokgroup, kyoto, lacaixa, ladbrokes, lamborghini, lamer, lancaster, lancia, lancome, land, landrover, lanxess, lasalle, lat, latino, latrobe, law, lawyer, lds, lease, leclerc, lefrak, legal, lego, lexus, lgbt, liaison, lidl, life, lifeinsurance, lifestyle, lighting, like, lilly, limited, limo, lincoln, linde, link, lipsy, live, living, lixil, llc, llp, loan, loans, locker, locus, loft, lol, london, lotte, lotto, love, lpl, lplfinancial, ltd, ltda, lundbeck, lupin, luxe, luxury, macys, madrid, maif, maison, makeup, man, management, mango, map, market, marketing, markets, marriott, marshalls, maserati, mattel, mba, mcd, mcdonalds, mckinsey, med, media, meet, melbourne, meme, memorial, men, menu, meo, merckmsd, metlife, miami, microsoft, mil, mini, mint, mit, mitsubishi, mlb, mls, mma, mobi, mobile, mobily, moda, moe, moi, mom, monash, money, monster, montblanc, mopar, mormon, mortgage, moscow, moto, motorcycles, mov, movie, movistar, msd, mtn, mtpc, mtr, museum, music, mutual, mutuelle, nab, nadex, nagoya, name, nationwide, natura, navy, nba, nec, net, netbank, netflix, network, neustar, new, newholland, news, next, nextdirect, nexus, nfl, ngo, nhk, nico, nike, nikon, ninja, nissan, nissay, nokia, northwesternmutual, norton, now, nowruz, nowtv, nra, nrw, ntt, nyc, obi, observer, off, office, okinawa, olayan, olayangroup, oldnavy, ollo, omega, one, ong, onl, online, onyourside, ooo, open, oracle, orange, org, organic, orientexpress, origins, osaka, otsuka, ott, ovh, page, pamperedchef, panasonic, panerai, paris, pars, partners, parts, party, passagens, pay, pccw, pet, pfizer, pharmacy, phd, philips, phone, photo, photography, photos, physio, piaget, pics, pictet, pictures, pid, pin, ping, pink, pioneer, pizza, place, play, playstation, plumbing, plus, pnc, pohl, poker, politie, porn, post, pramerica, praxi, press, prime, pro, prod, productions, prof, progressive, promo, properties, property, protection, pru, prudential, pub, pwc, qpon, quebec, quest, qvc, racing, radio, raid, read, realestate, realtor, realty, recipes, red, redstone, redumbrella, rehab, reise, reisen, reit, reliance, ren, rent, rentals, repair, report, republican, rest, restaurant, review, reviews, rexroth, rich, richardli, ricoh, rightathome, ril, rio, rip, rmit, rocher, rocks, rodeo, rogers, room, rsvp, rugby, ruhr, run, rwe, ryukyu, saarland, safe, safety, sakura, sale, salon, samsclub, samsung, sandvik, sandvikcoromant, sanofi, sap, sapo, sarl, sas, save, saxo, sbi, sbs, sca, scb, schaeffler, schmidt, scholarships, school, schule, schwarz, science, scjohnson, scor, scot, search, seat, secure, security, seek, select, sener, services, ses, seven, sew, sex, sexy, sfr, shangrila, sharp, shaw, shell, shia, shiksha, shoes, shop, shopping, shouji, show, showtime, shriram, silk, sina, singles, site, ski, skin, sky, skype, sling, smart, smile, sncf, soccer, social, softbank, software, sohu, solar, solutions, song, sony, soy, spa, space, spiegel, sport, spot, spreadbetting, srl, srt, stada, staples, star, starhub, statebank, statefarm, statoil, stc, stcgroup, stockholm, storage, store, stream, studio, study, style, sucks, supplies, supply, support, surf, surgery, suzuki, swatch, swiftcover, swiss, sydney, symantec, systems, tab, taipei, talk, taobao, target, tatamotors, tatar, tattoo, tax, taxi, tci, tdk, team, tech, technology, tel, telecity, telefonica, temasek, tennis, teva, thd, theater, theatre, tiaa, tickets, tienda, tiffany, tips, tires, tirol, tjmaxx, tjx, tkmaxx, tmall, today, tokyo, tools, top, toray, toshiba, total, tours, town, toyota, toys, trade, trading, training, travel, travelchannel, travelers, travelersinsurance, trust, trv, tube, tui, tunes, tushu, tvs, ubank, ubs, uconnect, unicom, university, uno, uol, ups, vacations, vana, vanguard, vegas, ventures, verisign, versicherung, vet, viajes, video, vig, viking, villas, vin, vip, virgin, visa, vision, vista, vistaprint, viva, vivo, vlaanderen, vodka, volkswagen, volvo, vote, voting, voto, voyage, vuelos, wales, walmart, walter, wang, wanggou, warman, watch, watches, weather, weatherchannel, webcam, weber, website, wed, wedding, weibo, weir, whoswho, wien, wiki, williamhill, win, windows, wine, winners, wme, wolterskluwer, woodside, work, works, world, wow, wtc, wtf, xbox, xerox, xfinity, xihuan, xin, कॉम, セール, 佛山, 慈善, 集团, 在线, 大众汽车, 点看, คอม, 八卦, موقع, 公益, 公司, 香格里拉, 网站, 移动, 我爱你, москва, католик, онлайн, сайт, 联通, קום, 时尚, 微博, 淡马锡, ファッション, орг, नेट, ストア, アマゾン, 삼성, 商标, 商店, 商城, дети, ポイント, 新闻, 工行, 家電, كوم, 中文网, 中信, 娱乐, 谷歌, 電訊盈科, 购物, クラウド, 通販, 网店, संगठन, 餐厅, 网络, ком, 亚马逊, 诺基亚, 食品, 飞利浦, 手表, 手机, ارامكو, العليان, اتصالات, بازار, موبايلي, ابوظبي, كاثوليك, همراه, 닷컴, 政府, شبكة, بيتك, عرب, 机构, 组织机构, 健康, 招聘, рус, 珠宝, 大拿, みんな, グーグル, 世界, 書籍, 网址, 닷넷, コム, 天主教, 游戏, vermögensberater, vermögensberatung, 企业, 信息, 嘉里大酒店, 嘉里, 广东, 政务, xperia, xxx, xyz, yachts, yahoo, yamaxun, yandex, yodobashi, yoga, yokohama, you, youtube, yun, zappos, zara, zero, zip, zippo, zone, zuerich. |
Sponsored | aero, asia, cat, coop, edu, gov, int, jobs, mil, museum, post, tel, travel, xxx |
Country Code | ac, ad, ae, af, ag, ai, al, am, an, ao, aq, ar, as, at, au, aw, ax, az, ba, bb, bd, be, bf, bg, bh, bi, bj, bm, bn, bo, br, bs, bt, bv, bw, by, bz, ca, cc, cd, cf, cg, ch, ci, ck, cl, cm, cn, co, cr, cu, cv, cx, cy, cz, de, dj, dk, dm, do, dz, ec, ee, eg, er, es, et, eu, fi, fj, fk, fm, fo, fr, ga, gb, gd, ge, gf, gg, gh, gi, gl, gm, gn, gp, gq, gr, gs, gt, gu, gw, gy, hk, hm, hn, hr, ht, hu, id, ie, il, im, in, io, iq, ir, is, it, je, jm, jo, jp, ke, kg, kh, ki, km, kn, kp, kr, kw, ky, kz, la, lb, lc, li, lk, lr, ls, lt, lu, lv, ly, ma, mc, md, me, mg, mh, mk, ml, mm, mn, mo, mp, mq, mr, ms, mt, mu, mv, mw, mx, my, mz, na, nc, ne, nf, ng, ni, nl, no, np, nr, nu, nz, om, pa, pe, pf, pg, ph, pk, pl, pm, pn, pr, ps, pt, pw, py, qa, re, ro, rs, ru, rw, sa, sb, sc, sd, se, sg, sh, si, sj, sk, sl, sm, sn, so, sr, st, su, sv, sy, sz, tc, td, tf, tg, th, tj, tk, tl, tm, tn, to, tp, tr, tt, tv, tw, tz, ua, ug, uk, um, us, uy, uz, va, vc, ve, vg, vi, vn, vu, wf, ws, ye, yt, yu, za, zm, zw. |
Generic-restricted | biz, name, pro. |
Infrastructure | arpa |