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Mapping Output Attribute

Learn about the output mapping between a Reltio attribute and its corresponding cleanse attribute.

This table shows the output mapping between Reltio attributes and their corresponding cleanse attributes.

To see this type of mapping in practice, view the contents of this file: sampleoutputmapping.xml.

Table 1. Output Attribute Mapping
Reltio Attribute Cleanse AttributeDescription
VerificationStatusVerificationStatusThe verification status of the location's postal address, as returned from the address verification/cleansing service.
VerificationStatusDetailsVerificationStatusDetailsThe details related to the returned verification status of the location's postal address, as provided by the address verification/cleansing service.
StateProvinceAdministrativeAreaThe most common geographic data element within a country. For example, any US state or Canadian province.
CityLocalityThe most common population center data element within a country. For example, any US city or Canadian municipality.
SuperAdministrativeAreaSuperAdministrativeAreaThe largest geographic data element within a country
DoubleDependentLocalityDoubleDependentLocalityThe smallest population center data element, dependent on both the contents of the Locality and DependentLocality fields. For example, a UK Village.
NeighborhoodDependentLocalityA smaller population center data element, dependent on the contents of the Locality field. For example, a Turkish Neighborhood.
DependentThoroughfareDependentThoroughfareThe dependent street or block data element within a country. For example, a UK Dependent Street.
CountryCountryNameThe official name of the country as per ISO 3166.
Zip5PostalCodePrimaryThe primary postal code used for a particular country. For example, the USA Zip, Canadian Postcode, or Indian PINcode.
Zip4PostalCodeSecondaryThe secondary postal code information, if used in a particular country and if such detail is able to be determined and reference data is available. For example, the USA Zip Plus 4.
LatitudeLatitudeThe latitude coordinates of the address.
LongitudeLongitudeThe longitude coordinates of the address.
GeoAccuracyGeoAccuracyDenotes if the geocodes associated with the address have been identified. It is made up of the following values:
  • Geocoding status, which can be
    • P - Point A single geocode was found matching the input address
    • I - Interpolated A geocode was able to be interpolated from the input addresses location in a range

    • A - Average Multiple candidate geocodes were found to match the input address, and an average of these was returned

    • U - Unable to geocode A geocode was not able to be generated for the input address

  • Geocoding level

    • 4 - Premise (Premise or Building)
    • 3 - Thoroughfare

    • 2 - Locality

    • 1 - AdministrativeArea

    • 0 - None

POBoxPostBoxThe post box for a particular delivery point, should one exist.
TelephoneTelephoneThe phone number of the address.
SubAdministrativeAreaSubAdministrativeAreaThe smallest geographic data element within a country. For example, a US county.
BuildingBuildingThe name identifying an individual location or building at the location's postal address.
SubBuildingSubBuildingThe secondary identifiers for a particular delivery point. For example, "FLAT 1" or "SUITE 212".
OrganizationOrganizationThe business name associated with a particular delivery point, should one exist.
DeliveryAddress1DeliveryAddress1The first line of the location's postal address.
AddressLine1DeliveryAddress1The first line of the location's postal address.
AddressLine2DeliveryAddress2The second line of the location's postal address.
ISO3166-2ISO3166-2The ISO 3166 2-character country code of the location's postal address.
ISO3166-3ISO3166-3The ISO 3166 3-character country code of the location's postal address
DeliveryAddressDeliveryAddressThe full address minus the Organization, Locality, AdministrativeArea hierarchy and PostalCode hierarchy fields, correctly formatted for mailing in the relevant country, including line breaks specified using the AddressLineSeparator option.
PremiseNumberPremiseNumberThe alphanumeric indicator within the Premise field, should one exist. For instance, if Premise contains "Plot 7/7A" PremiseNumber contains "7/7A" if a sufficient level of parsing detail exists within a particular country.
PremisePremiseThe alphanumeric code identifying an individual location, should one exist.
StreetThoroughfare The most common street or block data element within a country. For example, USA Street.
ISO3166-NISO3166-NThe ISO 3166 3-digit numeric country code.
UnmatchedUnmatchedAny information in the input address fields that is unable to be parsed to a particular address field.
AVCAVCThe Address Verification Code (AVC), which is response code which includes information associated with the parsing and matching of the address record. Use this to identify the level to which an address has been verified.
AutoZoneIndicatorAutoZoneIndicatorIndicates if carrier route sort rates apply to the location's postal address.
CarrierRouteCarrierRouteThe Carrier route code assigned to a mail delivery or collection route within a 5-digit ZIP Code.
CMRAIndicatorCMRAIndicatorIndicates if the location's address is associated with a Commercial Mail Receiving Agency (CMRA), more commonly referred to as a maildrop.
CongressionalDistrictCongressionalDistrictThe congressional district, or the electoral division in American politics, to which the address belongs.
DefaultFlagDefaultFlagIndicates if the address matches to a high rise default, rural route default, or street default record when compared to the USPS' ZIP+4 file.

The 3-digit code that is made of up of a 2-digit delivery point code and an appended check digit.

Note: This 3-digit code when suffixed to a 5-digit ZIP code and it's corresponding 4-digit ZIP+4 results in the12-digit POSTNET barcode of your address. In other words - 5 (ZIP Code) + 4 (ZIP+4) + 3 (DPBC) = 12 digit POSTNET barcode.
DPVConfirmedIndicatorDPVConfirmedIndicatorIndicates the delivery status at the delivery point of the location's postal address.
DPVFootnotesDPVFootnotesUsed in conjunction with the DPVConfirmedIndicator field, the Delivery Point Validation footnotes contains crucial details that help understand the input address' validity and deliverability. This can contain one or more 2-character footnotes. For more information about the DPVFootnote codes and description, see table DPV Footnotes.
eLOTCodeeLOTCodeIndicates the first occurrence of delivery made to the add-on range within the carrier route. This is used with the Enhanced Line of Travel (eLOT) service that enables mailers to earn lower rates by sorting based on delivery sequence.
eLOTNumbereLOTNumberIndicates the approximate delivery order within the sequence number. Used with Enhanced Line of Travel (eLOT) service that enables mailers to earn lower rates by sorting based on delivery sequence.
EWSFlagEWSFlagIndicates whether an address matched a record in the EWS (Early Warning System) file for newer addresses (resulting in a ZIP+4 no match).
FalsePositiveIndicatorFalsePositiveIndicatorIndicates whether a mailing list is being generated or created during validation, as creating a mailing list through DPV certification is disallowed by the USPS.
FIPSCountyCodeFIPSCountyCodeThe unique 3-digit Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) code that is used to identify a county.
LACSLinkCodeLACSLinkCodeThe code returned by LACSLink® after querying the LACSLink® database.
LACSLinkIndicatorLACSLinkIndicatorThe indicator returned by LACSLink® after querying the LACSLink® database.
LACSStatusLACSStatusDisplays the value L if the input address matched an entry in the Locatable Address Conversion Service database. This confirms that the input address was converted from a rural-style address to a city-style address.
NoStatIndicatorNoStatIndicatorIndicates the address is not receiving delivery, and the address is not counted as a possible delivery.
PMBNumberPMBNumberThe Private Mail Box (PMB) number to be appended to the PrimaryAddressLine field, if applicable. This is followed by the PMB Type.
PMBTypePMBTypeThe Private Mail Box (PMB) type to be appended to the PrimaryAddressLine field, if applicable. Ensure this comes before the PMB Number.
PrimaryAddressLinePrimaryAddressLineThe primary delivery address line used in CASS certified address validation.
RecordTypeRecordTypeThe Record type of an address that has been confirmed as a valid delivery address.
ReturnCodeReturnCodeThe code that provides additional information about the data returned for the delivery point of the location's postal address.
ResidentialDeliveryResidentialDeliveryIndicates if the address is residential.
SecondaryAddressLineSecondaryAddressLineThe secondary delivery address line, if present, that is used in CASS certified address validation.
SUITELinkFootnoteSUITELinkFootnoteThe code that is returned after querying the SuiteLink® database. This code indicates whether the input address matched a record in the SuiteLink® database.
VacantIndicatorVacantIndicatorIndicator that the delivery point of the location's postal address was active in the past, but is currently vacant, has most likely been unoccupied for over 90 days, and is not receiving deliveries.
Table 2. DPV Footnotes
AA Street, city, state and ZIP are valid. Address matched a record in the ZIP+4 file.
A1Address not found in the ZIP+4 file. Address is invalid
BBAll address components are confirmed. Address is a deliverable address
C1Address is a deliverable address after dropping the subbuilding number from the input address. Subbuilding is required.
CC Address is a deliverable address after dropping the subbuilding number from the input address. Subbuilding is not required.
F1Address matched to a military address
G1Address matched to a general delivery address
IA Informed Address identified. This replaces the recipient's name and street address with a special code in the address block. The only information that most people will be able to see about the recipient will be their city, state, and ZIP5.
N1Found a DPV match to the premise number but the subbuilding number is missing from the input record
M1Premise number is missing
M3Premise number is invalid
P1PO, RR, HC Box number missing
P3PO, RR, HC Box number is invalid
PB Input address matched to a post office box street address
RRAddress matched to CMRA and PMB designator is present
R1Address matched to CMRA but PMB designator is not present
R7 Input address matched to a physical address that does not receive delivery from the USPS (R777 or R779)
TAInput address premise matched by dropping trailing alpha
U1Address matched to a unique ZIP Code