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US Census Plus data

Learn about the US Census Plus dataset that is made available through the Reltio address cleanser.

By configuring a customer tenant appropriately, responses from the address cleanser can be enriched with richer location intelligence, strengthened by data from the U.S. Census Bureau. This information helps in managing use cases, such as:
  • Providing healthcare services to members (Insurance vertical)
  • Conducting market research for helping ad campaigns
  • Applying for credits from the US government by creating compliance regulation reports
  • Analyzing user segmentation
Note: The US Census Plus dataset uses data from the 2020 US Census and is only applicable to US location addresses.

When the address 680 EPIC WAY SAN JOSE CA 95134 USA goes through the enhanced Address verification process, the address output from the location cleanser looks like:

CountyCode: "085"
CensusClassCode: "C1"
Address: "680 EPIC WAY<BR>SAN JOSE CA 95134-2835"
eLOTNumber: "0066"
CongressionalDistrict: "17"
OldMSAName: "San Jose, Ca Pmsa"
eLOTCode: "A"
AdministrativeAreaISO2: "US-CA"
Latitude: "37.400410"
ISO3166-2: "US"
AutoZoneIndicator: "B"
ISO3166-3: "USA"
DeliveryAddress1: "680 EPIC WAY"
BlockCode: "5008"
Footnotes: "H#"
GeoAccuracy: "P4"
CarrierRoute: "C018"
OldMSACode: "7400"
DPVConfirmedIndicator: "D"
GNISFeatureID: "2411790"
ReturnCode: "32"
AdministrativeAreaISO2Status: "fsAdded"
Locality: "SAN JOSE"
TractCode: "505006"
VacantIndicator: "N"
Longitude: "-121.919440"
AVC: "V44-I44-P8-100"
PostalCodeSecondary: "2835"
CensusCode: "68000"
TimeZone_UTC: "-08:00"
BlockGroupCode: "5"
ThoroughfareStatus: "fsVerifiedNoChange"
CBSAName: "San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara
OldCensusCode: "06-68000"
ResultClassification: "RES_ACCEPTED"
PremiseNumber: "680"
CountryName: "UNITED STATES"
DeliveryAddress: "680 EPIC WAY"
LocalityStatus: "fsVerifiedNoChange"
PostalCode: "95134-2835"
Premise: "680"
ResidentialDelivery: "Y"
CMRAIndicator: "N"
DeliveryPointBarCode: "992"
RecordType: "H"
NoStatIndicator: "Y"
TimeZone_DST: "-07:00"
GeoDistance: "0.0"
SecondaryAddressLine: "SAN JOSE CA 95134-2835"
CBSACode: "41940"
PostalCodePrimary: "95134"
DPVFootnotes: "AAN1"
FIPSCountyCode: "085"
AdministrativeArea: "CA"
ISO3166-N: "840"
Thoroughfare: "EPIC WAY"
PrimaryAddressLine: "680 EPIC WAY"
CensusIndicator: "Premise"
Finance: "056834"
Address2: "SAN JOSE CA 95134-2835"
StateCode: "06"
Address1: "680 EPIC WAY"
PremiseNumberStatus: "fsVerifiedNoChange"
SubAdministrativeArea: "SANTA CLARA"
DefaultFlag: "Y"
AdministrativeAreaStatus: "fsVerifiedNoChange"
TimeZone_Name: "Pacific Standard Time"
MatchRuleLabel: "1"