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Preprocessing Location Data

Learn more about preprocessing of location data.

To improve CASS/SERP address cleansing, Reltio's Cleanse module supports preprocessing of location data before sending the data to the address cleansing function. It is often beneficial to preprocess location data before feeding it to the CASS or SERP engine.

When an organization name is in AddressLine2 in the input location (Sample address is, 2500 REDHILL AVE DEPT OF SCIENCE SANTA ANA CA 92705), after preprocessing the field, the Organization field is populated for Address Cleansing.

In another example where it is necessary to replace Med with Medical for input address. The input address 131 MED PARK RD MOORESVILLE NC is sent to Address Cleansing as, 131 MEDICAL PARK RD MOORESVILLE NC.

To enable preprocessing locations, specify "process": "pre+c+g".

"cleanse": [ { "cleanseFunction": "Loqate", "options": { "process": "pre+c+g", "returnUnverifiedStatus": "true", "loqateDefaultCountry": "USA" } } ]
Note: Preprocessing of location data works in the same way for SERP.
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