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Address Cleansing using SERP

SERP is Canada Post’s Software Evaluation and Recognition Program (SERP) that evaluates the ability of (commercially and internally-developed) third-party software to validate, correct, and provide correct Canadian addresses.

The corrected addresses are complete, consistent, and valid. The application discards non-correctable addresses and does not attempt to correct them.

Benefits of using SERP

SERP processing has the following benefits:

  • SERP processing improves the accuracy and speed of deliverability while reducing the quantity of the undelivered mail. It also enables the mailers to qualify for Canada Post postal discounts.
  • Using the SERP components improve the quality of cleansing for Canadian addresses. If input data is incorrect (for example, fake addresses, not all required attributes are filled, and so on) the result of cleansing is most likely Partially Verified and not Verified. For more information about Verification Status, see Understanding Address Verification Code.
Note: The following points help you understand how SERP functions:
  • If only SERP is configured in the tenant, address cleansing takes place for Canadian countries only.
  • SERP-enabled cleansing displays results in uppercase.
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