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FAQ on Reltio Enrichment with ZoomInfo

Learn more about Frequently Asked Questions about RIH: ZoomInfo integration.

Attention: This feature is available to limited users through the Reltio Early Access (EA) program. Interested in finding out more about this feature or participating in our EA program? Get details in topic Early Access (EA) features.

Licensing, quotas and limits

FAQs on licensing requirements, quotas, and limits for ZoomInfo integration.
Does this product require licensing?
Yes. For more information, see topic Licensing.
Is Reltio Enrichment with ZoomInfo bundled with Reltio Integration Hub (RIH)?
No, you'll need a separate entitlement to RIH to use this product.
Do I get extra Reltio Integration Hub (RIH) tasks or an increase in my current quotas with the Reltio Enrichment integration for ZoomInfo?

No, your existing RIH quotas and limits still apply. To check the estimated task usage for different enrichment modes, refer to section How much RIH task usage should I expect?.

Do I get extra Reltio API quotas or an increase in my current limits with the Reltio Enrichment integration for ZoomInfo?
No, your existing Reltio API quotas and limits still apply. Any API requests from this integration will count toward your current limits.
How much RIH task usage should I expect?

Near Real-Time and On-Demand modes

Enrichment modeRecord countEstimated task usage (Company)Estimated task usage (Contact)
Near Real-Time15036

Batch mode

Enrichment modeRecord countEstimated task usage (Company)Estimated task usage (Contact)
Note: The task utilization estimates above are just guidelines for planning. Actual usage might vary depending on your specific setup. If any recipes are modified or customized, task utilization will also change.

These figures are based on a single execution or job. So, the total task usage in a month will depend on how many batch, near real-time, and on-demand jobs you run in that tenant during the month.


FAQs on performance benchmarks and record processing duration.
How fast is Near Real-Time enrichment?
Near Real-Time enrichment can take up to 6 minutes. This happens because of RIH limitations, where the polling time in the trigger recipe can't be set lower than 5 minutes.
What are the performance benchmarks for enrichment?
Here are the performance benchmarks for Company and Contact enrichment:

Company (Organization)

Enrichment ModeRecord CountDuration
On-Demand (REST API)10.4 seconds
Near Real-Time (AWS SQS)10.6 seconds - 6 minutes
Batch (Reltio to ZoomInfo)500K50 minutes
Batch (ZoomInfo to Reltio)500K1 hour 36 minutes
Batch (Reltio to ZoomInfo)1M1 hour 30 minutes
Batch (ZoomInfo to Reltio)1M3 hours 15 minutes

Contact (Individual)

Enrichment ModeRecord CountDuration
On-Demand (REST API)10.4 seconds
Near Real-Time (AWS SQS)10.6 seconds - 6 minutes
Batch (Reltio to ZoomInfo)500K50 minutes
Batch (ZoomInfo to Reltio)500K1 hour 33 minutes
Batch (Reltio to ZoomInfo)1M1 hour 05 minutes
Batch (ZoomInfo to Reltio)1M3 hours 05 minutes
Note: These benchmarks are based on performance testing, but the actual job duration can vary depending on your Reltio tenant's performance and how quickly ZoomInfo responds. Results may differ between customers, especially if recipes are modified or customized.

Functionality and design

FAQs on enrichment mode differences and available ZoomInfo APIs.
Are there differences between On-Demand, Near Real-Time and Batch operation modes?
Yes. On-Demand and Near Real-Time modes don't support creating hierarchies or relationships, unlike Batch mode.
Near Real-TimeYesNoYesNo
Batch SchedulerYesYesYesYes
Batch REST APIYesYesYesYes
Which ZoomInfo APIs are used by the integration?

These ZoomInfo APIs are used for both Real-Time and On-Demand modes:

  • Enterprise
  • Standard
  • Enrich
  • Company Master Data Enrich
  • Contact Enrich

For Batch mode, the integration leverages Reltio Export and uses Amazon S3 for data transfer between Reltio and ZoomInfo.

Why are there multiple ZoomInfo crosswalks?

Multiple crosswalks ensure accurate enrichment and relationships for records.

Company (Organization)

Crosswalk SourcesCrosswalk valuesRecord typeDescriptionVerification status


URI:ZoomInfo ID

ZoomInfo ID

Auto mergedURI:ZoomInfo ID is used for populating Company details. URI in the crosswalk ensures all records can be enriched to avoid unique ZoomInfo ID dependency.

Standalone ZoomInfo ID crosswalk is used for creating Hierarchy relationships. Standalone ZoomInfo ID crosswalk will be populated only for one Auto merge record.

Enriched by ZoomInfo
ZoomInfoZoomInfo/URISourceIf No Match is found, a potential match is identified, or there is an error from ZoomInfo, a crosswalk will be created in the original record. If the record is successfully enriched later, the crosswalk will be soft deleted.No Match Found, Potential Match Found, Error occurred in ZoomInfo job

ZoomInfo ID

Potential matchFor Source records, a Potential Match record will be created if the Match Score falls between the Auto Merge and Potential Match thresholds.Enriched
ZoomInfoURI: ZoomInfo IDDuplicateFor duplicate records, only Company details will be populated from the crosswalk. Standalone ZoomInfo ID crosswalks won't be created, and a verification message will be shown: "Data Provider Verification Details – Hierarchy is unavailable for this duplicate entity. Resolve the merge using the Entity ID".Data Provider Verification Details - hierarchy is unavailable for this duplicate entity. Resolve merge with Entity ID.
ZoomInfoZoomInfo IDParentIn the case of Hierarchy enrichment, if the Parent ZoomInfo ID is not already in Reltio, a shell record will be created using the Parent ZoomInfo ID as a crosswalk. This shell record will include the Name, Address, and ZoomInfo ID at the attribute level.n/a
RelationZoomInfo ZoomInfo ID:ZoomInfo IDOrganization – Organization When establishing the ZoomInfo hierarchy, the parent ZoomInfo Organization ID is combined with the child ZoomInfo Organization ID.n/a
ZoomInfo AddressType:URI| ZoomInfo ID Organization - LocationWhen creating the Address relationship, the address type is combined with the Organization URI and the ZoomInfo Organization ID.n/a

Contact (Individual)

Crosswalk SourcesCrosswalk valuesRecord typeDescriptionVerification status


URI:ZoomInfo ID

ZoomInfo ID

Auto mergedURI:ZoomInfo ID is used for populating Contact details. URI in the crosswalk ensures all records can be enriched to avoid unique ZoomInfo ID dependency.

Standalone ZoomInfo ID crosswalk is used for creating relationship with Company. Standalone ZoomInfo ID crosswalk will be populated only for one Auto merge record.

Enriched by ZoomInfo
ZoomInfo ZoomInfo/URISourceIf no match is found, a potential match is identified, or there is an error from ZoomInfo, a crosswalk will be created in the original record. If the record is successfully enriched later, the crosswalk will be soft deleted.No Match Found, Potential Match Found, Error occurred in ZoomInfo job
ZoomInfoRecordURI: ZoomInfo IDPotential matchFor Source records, a Potential Match record will be created if the Match Score falls between the Contact Accuracy Score's maximum and minimum thresholds.Enriched
ZoomInfoURI: ZoomInfo IDDuplicateFor duplicate records, only contact details will be populated from the crosswalk. Standalone ZoomInfo ID crosswalks won't be created, and a verification message will be shown: "Data Provider Verification Details – company relationship is unavailable for this duplicate entity. Resolve the merge using the Entity ID".Data Provider Verification Details - company relationship is unavailable for this duplicate entity. Resolve merge with Entity ID.
ZoomInfoZoomInfo Location IDParentIf a Company record does not already exist in Reltio, a shell record will be created using the ZoomInfo Location ID as a crosswalk. This shell record will include basic company information at the attribute level and establish a relationship with the Contact.n/a
RelationZoomInfoZoomInfo Location ID:ZoomInfo Contact IDIndividual – OrganizationWhen establishing the employment relationship, the ZoomInfo Organization ID is combined with the ZoomInfo Contact ID.n/a
ZoomInfoAddressType:URI| ZoomInfo Contact ID

AddressType:URI| ZoomInfo Location ID

Individual - Location

Organization – Location

When creating the Address relationship, the address type is combined with the Contact URI and the ZoomInfo Contact ID.n/a

Usage and operations

FAQs on running, monitoring, and maintaining the ZoomInfo integration.
How can I deploy the ZoomInfo integration in my tenant?
Once you have the necessary entitlements, open a ticket with Reltio Support to request the deployment for your tenant. For more information, see topic Get help in Support Portal.

After the deployment is complete, proceed with configuring and enabling the integration.

What do the On-Demand buttons do?
For information on the On-Demand buttons and their functionality, see topic Use Reltio Enrichment with ZoomInfo.
Where can I find job status and logs?
For information on job statuses and logs, see topic Operate Reltio Enrichment with ZoomInfo.
Where are the rest of my logs?
RIH has a limitation of 10,000 entries per lookup table. When the ZoomInfo Job Execution Statistics or ZoomInfo Logs tables reach 9,900 entries, 1,000 old entries (last) will be automatically deleted.

Additionally, other lookup tables are truncated when starting any new job. For more information, see topic Operate Reltio Enrichment with ZoomInfo.

What happens to logs for jobs that are terminated or stopped abruptly?
If a job is terminated or stopped unexpectedly, logs and statistics for that job won't be available.
How can I see the ZoomInfo Integration recipe task counts?
You can view recipe task counts from the Dashboard Menu in RIH. The details will be displayed based on the filters you apply, as shown in the example below:


FAQs on deploying, configuring, and activating the ZoomInfo integration.
What modes of enrichment should I use?
Start with Batch Mode at least once, usually after your initial data load and mastering. Batch Mode lets you enrich profiles in bulk, and it has configurable filters so you can enrich either the whole dataset or a subset. After Batch enrichment, you can move on to Near Real-Time or On-Demand enrichment, depending on your business needs.

For Near Real-Time enrichment, it's best to use a dedicated SQS streaming destination. Also, configure the Type and Object filters to match your business needs and reduce unnecessary processing.

Example configuration:
  • Object filter:((equals(type,'configuration/entityTypes/Organization') or equals(type,'configuration/entityTypes/Individual')) and (not equals(sourceSystems,'ZoomInfo')))
Which modes of enrichment support re-enrichment?
Only On-Demand Enrichment via the REST supports re-enrichment.
Note: If a record already has enriched ZoomInfo crosswalks like URI:ZoomInfo ID, and you run the re-enrichment job with the doNotMerge flag set to true (Get ZoomInfo Match), the recipe will skip that record and log an error in the ZoomInfo Logs table.

Similarly, if the job runs with the doNotMerge flag set to false (using "Get ZoomInfo Company Info") but the Confidence Code is lower than the Auto Merge Confidence Code, the recipe won't process the record, and an error will be logged in the ZoomInfo Logs table.

Important: If you want to force re-enrichment in Batch mode, delete the Data Provider Verification Status attribute for those records in Reltio (you can use a Bulk Update Entities task) and then run the Batch job again.
Can I use an external application to trigger or schedule batch and on-demand enrichment for data in my Reltio tenant?

Yes. To do this, enable the Batch or Near Real-Time along with their triggers. Once you've created an authorization token for these APIs, you can start making requests to the endpoints.


FAQs on resolving common issues with the ZoomInfo integration.
Why can't I see the On-Demand buttons?
First, make sure you have the ROLE_ZOOMINFO_CONNECTOR assigned and that the On-Demand configuration has been properly set up.

If everything is configured correctly and you still don't see the buttons, you'll need to submit a Reltio support ticket to create the RIH profile, which is necessary for the UI configuration. For more information, see topic Get help in Support Portal.

Why isn't the hierarchy being added in On-Demand and Near Real-Time?
The Company Hierarchy feature is only available in Batch mode. Hierarchies are not supported in On-Demand or Near Real-Time enrichment.
Why am I seeing this error when using the On-Demand buttons?
Failure: Internal Server Error: Server throws an exception while processing the request. Error Message: POST calvorkatoAPlEnapoint talled 404:1 ["errorType":"Exception","errorMessage". "404 Not Found: ("severity": "Error'", "errorMessagel": "Object with id=entities/uri$$WY8EGSNw5sxIsvEF1718913647124 not found!" "errorCode|": 101,"errorDetailMessage|"|"No object with specified id found"! "innerErrorDatal": ("exception!": Code. UbJEel. Nol. ruUNu, Message oaramelers. fentities/uri$$WY8FGSNw5sx|svEF17189136471241. Obiect with identities/uris$WY8EGSNW5sxIsVEF1718913647124 not found. No object with specified id found "y"obUr'""https:// aoo.workato.com/recipes 48138388/100/|-AMrWOCXD- CtpBx"}]
This happens because a temporary entity URI is cached in the UI. To fix this, refresh the page and try the On-Demand button again.
Note: If you encounter other errors, ensure that the UI buttons have been configured correctly and that all required recipes and connections are active.
Why am I having issues with Batch Export?
Possible causesHow to solve
searchByOv is not enabled for the tenantRequest to enable searchByOv. For more information, see topic Get help in Support Portal.
Client Credential doesn’t have sufficient permissions (scope)Ensure the Client Credential has the correct scope to access the data. If tenant metadata security is applied, ROLE_API, and additional roles may be required.
Incorrect credentials for the ZoomInfo connectionVerify the credentials in the Connections settings for ZoomInfo.
Incorrect Reltio Environment URL or Tenant IDConfirm the Environment URL includes a trailing backslash (e.g., https://dev.reltio.com/), and the Tenant ID only contains the ID (e.g., NGv12vJayb9ZxT8).
Batch Size value is incorrectSet the Batch Size in the ZoomInfo Recipe Properties (Lookup Tables) to 4000.
Required recipes or connections are inactiveMake sure all necessary recipes and connections are active.
Why are some attributes missing or causing errors?

This is often caused by differences in your tenant's configuration, usually due to customizations or the absence of a supported Velocity Pack. Here's what you can do:

  • Compare your configuration with the latest supported Velocity Pack(s) to ensure that all required attributes, relationships, graphs, and UI elements are included.
  • If your address data doesn't use Location as a separate entityType, the Reltio Enrichment with ZoomInfo product won't work without customization.

Also, pay close attention to the PostalCode (Zip) attribute in the Location entity. Supported Velocity Packs use PostalCode as a nested attribute. If your implementation uses Zip instead, you'll need to re-map those attributes in the RIH recipes.


FAQs on customizing the ZoomInfo integration and understanding support limitations.
Can I customize Reltio Enrichment with ZoomInfo?
Yes, but please note that Reltio Support can't assist with customizations.