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Data Pipelines at a glance

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Take it from the top with Data Pipelines. Get the overview here, then see the sub topics in this section to drill down to the details.

What are Data Pipelines?

Reltio Data Pipelines provision cleansed, enriched, real-time data unidirectionally from Reltio Data Cloud to Snowflake, Databricks, and Google BigQuery.

Who are Data Pipelines for?

This content is curated for these Reltio user roles defined in topic About roles:

Data Product Owner Developer Reltio Configurator Solution Architect

Why would I use Data Pipelines?

Use Reltio Data Pipelines to create one-way data flow from Reltio Data Cloud to a cloud warehouse.

When would I use Data Pipelines?

Use Reltio Data Pipelines when you want to deliver clean, merged, and validated profile data from Reltio to a cloud warehouse.

Where do I find Data Pipelines?

Reltio Multidomain MDM Reltio Customer 360

For information on where to obtain and how to use these data pipelines, see the topics in this section.