Unify and manage your data

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What is Hub?

The Hub is the user interface for managing data in the Reltio Data Cloud.

RIA - Reltio Intelligent Assistant
Reltio Customer 360

Get answers to questions about Reltio features and functions as well as the data on your tenant.

Get a comprehensive overview of the data in your tenant and provide an insight about the quality of this data:
  • Profile statistics

  • Data quality

Reltio Customer 360

Segmentation means dividing a dataset into categories or groups based on shared characteristics, attributes, or behaviors.

View and manage the attributes and relationships for each entity in your tenant, based on Search results.
Bulk match
Merge or mark records as not a match, in bulk, for a selected entity type.

Who is Hub for?

This content is curated for these Reltio user roles defined in About roles:

Business User Data Product Owner Data Steward

Why would I use Hub?

Hub is where you view and manage your unified data.
  • View data quality metrics to monitor and improve the integrity of your data.

  • Search, create, update, and delete profiles to keep your records accurate and up to date.

  • Resolve potential matches to maintain a unified and consistent view of your data.

  • Explore relationships between profiles for deeper insights into data connections.

When would I use Hub?

Use the Hub to view, access, and analyze your tenant data:
  • look at charts and maps in your dashboard

  • determine the quality of your data

  • search for profiles that you imported or created

  • view their relationship details

  • match and merge profiles that you think are the same

Where do I find Hub?

Reltio Multidomain MDM Reltio Customer 360

Hub is the home page displayed when you sign in to your Reltio tenant. If you navigate to other applications, return to the Hub by selecting Applications > Hub.

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