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Use Reltio Enrichment with ZoomInfo

Learn about triggering on-demand, Near Real-Time, and Batch profile enrichment modes using ZoomInfo data in Reltio.

Attention: This feature is available to limited users through the Reltio Early Access (EA) program. Interested in finding out more about this feature or participating in our EA program? Get details in topic Early Access (EA) features.

This is how you trigger the different enrichment modes:

On-Demand enrichment mode

On-demand buttons allow you to enrich Organization (Company) and Individual (Contact) profiles. These buttons are visible, on the profile pages, to users with the ROLE_ZOOMINFO_CONNECTOR role.

Organization (Company)
Get ZoomInfo Match

This button finds the best ZoomInfo Match and retrieves enrichment data for a Reltio profile using attributes like Name, Address, Email, Phone, Website URL, and ZoomInfo ID.

If a match is found, a new profile is created and listed as a Potential Match for user review. You may need to refresh the page for the Potential Match to appear.

Get ZoomInfo Company Info

This button finds the best ZoomInfo Match and retrieves enrichment data for a Reltio profile using attributes like Name, Address, Email, Phone, Website URL, and ZoomInfo ID. When a match is found, actions vary based on the configured confidence code thresholds in the ZoomInfo Recipe Properties:

  • No Match Found: No match or the confidence code is below the "Potential Match - Confidence Code."
  • Potential Match: Confidence code is between the "Potential Match - Match Score" and "Auto Merge - Match Score," creating a new profile marked as a Potential Match for user review.
  • Automatic Match: Confidence code meets or exceeds the "Auto Merge - Match Score," updating the existing profile with the best ZoomInfo match.

You may need to refresh the page for the Potential Match or enrichment data to appear.

Individual (Contact)

Get ZoomInfo Match

This button locates the best ZoomInfo match and retrieves enrichment data for a Reltio profile using the following attributes: Name, First Name, Last Name, Email, Phone, Website URL, Employment History, and ZoomInfo ID.

When a match is found, a new profile is created for the best ZoomInfo match and becomes available as a Potential Match for user review. To view the Potential Match, you may need to reload or refresh the page.

Get ZoomInfo Contact Info

This button identifies the best ZoomInfo match and retrieves enrichment data for a Reltio profile based on attributes such as Name, First Name, Last Name, Email, Phone, Website URL, Employment History, and ZoomInfo ID. Actions vary depending on the confidence code thresholds set in the ZoomInfo Recipe Properties:

  • No Match Found: If no match is found, or the confidence code is below the "Contact Accuracy Score - Minimum," no action is taken.
  • Potential Match: If the confidence code meets or exceeds the "Contact Accuracy Score - Minimum" but is below the "Contact Accuracy Score - Maximum," a new profile will be created for the best ZoomInfo match and made available as a Potential Match for user review.
  • Automatic Match: If the confidence code meets or exceeds the "Contact Accuracy Score - Maximum," the existing profile will be automatically updated with the best ZoomInfo match.

You may need to reload or refresh the page for the Potential Match or enrichment data to appear.

Near Real-Time and Batch enrichment modes

Good news! There's nothing you need to do for Near Real-Time and Batch enrichment modes. Once configured, these enrichment modes operate automatically, and do not require any further user input, or interaction.