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Data Catalog integrations at a glance

Get a high-level view of Data Catalog integrations.

Take it from the top with Data Catalog integrations. Get the overview here, then see the sub topics in this section to drill down to the details.

What are Data Catalog integrations?

These prebuilt integrations enable you to easily discover and consume Reltio data via Alation, Collibra or Microsoft Purview data catalogs.

Who are Data Catalog integrations for?

This content is curated for these Reltio user roles defined in topic About roles:

Data Product Owner Developer Reltio Configurator Solution Architect

Why would I use Data Catalog integrations?

Our Data Catalog integrations significantly reduce development time and maintenance costs, accelerating your time to value. By using these integrations, you can streamline the synchronization of Reltio metadata with different Data Catalog tools.

When would I use Data Catalog integrations?

Use Data Catalog integrations after you collect data from other sources and then unify and enrich it in Reltio Data Cloud.

Where do I find Data Catalog integrations?

Reltio Multidomain MDM Reltio Customer 360

For information on where to obtain and how to use these application connectors, see the topics in this section.