Reltio Enrichment with 340B at a glance
Get a high-level view of Reltio Enrichment with 340B.
Take it from the top with Reltio Enrichment with 340B. Get the overview here, then see the sub topics in this section to drill down to the details.
What is Reltio Enrichment with 340B?
- Historical Background: Created in 1992 to help covered entities stretch federal resources, enabling broader patient reach and enhanced services
- Eligibility: Includes six hospital categories and ten non-hospital entities, each requiring federal funding to qualify
- Program Management: Entities must register, comply with program requirements, and annually recertify using the Office of Pharmacy Affairs (OPA) 340B database
Who is Reltio Enrichment with 340B for?
Data Steward: Ensures data accuracy and compliance.
Business User: Utilizes enriched data for operational benefits
Developer: Leverages APIs for custom workflows
System Administrator: Oversees secure integrations and data access
Reltio Configurator and
Solution Architect: Manages tenant configurations and designs scalable solutions for healthcare data
Why would I use Reltio Enrichment with 340B?
- Compliance: Automatically enrich HCO data with 340B attributes to meet regulatory requirements
- Efficiency: Reduce manual data management efforts using predefined lookups for standardized mapping
- Scalability: Use the Data Tenant Subscription Service (DTSS) to connect multiple customer tenants without external ETL or integration processes
When would I use Reltio Enrichment with 340B?
- Conducting audits or compliance reviews for regulatory reporting
- Updating healthcare organization profiles with enriched 340B attributes
- Consolidating data from disparate sources to ensure accuracy and consistency
Where do I find Reltio Enrichment with 340B?
Reltio Multidomain MDM
Reltio Customer 360
- Customer Tenants: Subscribe to the 340B Data Tenant via Reltio's DTSS
- APIs: Access preconfigured endpoints to enrich data directly in your workflows
- Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Data: Daily updates ensure that the latest 340B compliance information is available for integration