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Reltio NPI HCP Attributes Mapping Rules

Learn about how NPI HCP attributes are mapped with the HCP headers specified in the source file based on mapping rules.

Each Reltio NPI HCP attribute is mapped with the HCP headers specified in the source file based on mapping rules. Before understanding the mapping rules, you need to know the following exceptional information about Reltio NPI HCP attributes:
  • There are some Reltio NPI HCP attributes for which HCP headers are not available in the NPI source file. These attributes are not even hard-coded. Such attributes are created by referring to the Provider_License_Number_State_Code value specified in the NPI source file. For each provider_license_number_state_code value (1 to 15), the following attributes are created:

    • Taxonomy.StateCode
    • Taxonomy.ProviderType
    • Taxonomy.Classification
    • Taxonomy.Specialization
  • The hard-coded Reltio attributes are:

    • Address.AddressType= Mailing
    • Address.Country=United States
    • Phone.Type="Business"
    • Phone.Type="Fax"
    • Address.AddressType = Business
    • Address.Country=United States
    • Phone.Type="Business"
    • Phone.Type="Fax"
  • The NPI HCP headers for which Reltio attributes are not applicable or defined; the Reltio attribute’s value is N/A.

  • The cleanse functions to clean the HCP attributes values are Reltio defined. A complete list of cleanse functions used for cleaning the HCP attributes are:

    • hcpNameCleanse
    • toTitleCase
    • cleansedCredential
    • phoneCleanser
Table 1. Reltio NPI HCP Attributes Mapping Rules
Attributes Mapping Rules Indicates that...
Direct The Reltio attribute is directly mapped with the headers specified in the NPI source file.
If Provider_Other_Organization_Name_Type_Code = 3 then create "DoingBusinessAsName" attribute else create "Name" attribute If the value of the Provider_Other_Organization_Name_Type_Code header in the NPI source file is 3, then the Reltio attribute DoingBusinessAsName is mapped with the header. If not, then the Reltio attribute Name is mapped.
If Length=9, zip5= First 5 digits & zip4=Last 4 digits If Length=5, zip5= All 5 digits

If the length of the postal address specified in the NPI source file is nine digits, then the first five digits are mapped as zip5 and the last four digits are mapped as zip4. If the length of the postal address is only five digits, then all the five digits are mapped as zip5.

Load from Provider_License_Number_State_Code _XX

(XX represents value.)

The Reltio attribute

Provider_License_Number_Taxonomy.StateCode that has the same value of the Provider_License_Number_State_code specified in the NPI source file; is mapped with the header.

Lookup from Taxonomy Provider Type

The Reltio attribute Taxonomy.ProviderType is mapped based on the lookup that appears for the taxonomy provider type, for the selected taxonomy code.

Lookup from Taxonomy Classification

The Reltio attribute Taxonomy.Classification is mapped based on the lookup that appears for the taxonomy classification, for the selected taxonomy code.

Lookup from Taxonomy Specialization

The Reltio attribute Taxonomy.Specialization is mapped based on the lookup that appears for the taxonomy specialization, for the selected taxonomy code.


The Reltio attribute AlternateName.NameTypeDescription is mapped based on the value AlternateName.NameTypeCode specified for Provider_Other_Last_Name_Type_Code in the NPI source file.

  • Former is mapped, if the value is 1.

  • Professional is mapped, if the value is 2.

  • Other is mapped, if the value is 3.

DQScore For more information, see related links at the bottom of the page.
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