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Reltio Enrichment with NPI predefined lookups/reference data

Learn about the predefined lookups or standardized reference data helps to improve the data quality in Reltio Enrichment with NPI data tenant.

Predefined lookups, or standardized reference data, helps to improve the quality of data in the Reltio Enrichment with NPI data tenant. They also help to consolidate and map source systems with different identifiers to a single canonical value. This table lists the predefined lookups/reference data supplied with Reltio Enrichment with NPI.

Table 1. Predefined lookups
Lookup DefinitionDescription
Core_IdentifierType_CDIdentifier type
SPEC_TYPESpecialty type
STATE_CODEState code
ADDR_TYPEAddress type
TAXONOMY_TYPETaxonomy type
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