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ROLE_DTSS_DT_MANAGER Access permissions

Learn about ROLE_DTSS_DT_MANAGER role to manage access permissions for <x> Reltio resources.

Assign roles to user and group accounts to grant them permissions (access rights and privileges). For more information, see topic System roles.

The ROLE_DTSS_DT_MANAGER system role grants permissions for managing the Reltio Data Tenant Subscription Service (DTSS) data tenant (DT). You must also grant the ROLE_ADMIN_TENANT role for the Reltio Data Tenant (DT) to this user.

Permissions of this role can be set by default security endpoint, in example POST - /permissions/{tenantId} to add a permission, or/and can be changed by ROLE_DTSS_ADMIN or ROLE_DTSS_DEPLOYER

This table identifies the Reltio access permissions for Reltio services, resources, and sub resources defined for the ROLE_DTSS_DT_MANAGER system role.

Permissions forAccess rights (service/ resource/ sub resource)Access privileges
Accessing register tenantsdtss.config.registration
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Configuring subscribe tenantsdtss.config.subscription
Configuring DT metadata securitydtss.config.subscription.security
Accessing APIs that configure the support emaildtss.config.subscription.support
Monitoring different actionsdtss.monitoring
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Accessing APIs that manage DTSS tasksdtss.tasks
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