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ROLE_DTSS_DEPLOYER Access permissions

Learn about ROLE_DTSS_DEPLOYER role to manage access permissions for <x> Reltio resources.

Assign roles to user and group accounts to grant them permissions (access rights and privileges). For more information, see topic System roles.

The ROLE_DTSS_DEPLOYER system role grants permissions for creating new subscriptions and registering new Customer Tenant (CT) and Reltio Data Tenant (DT) in the Reltio Data Tenant Subscription Service (DTSS). You must also grant the ROLE_ADMIN_TENANT role for the CT and DT to this user.

Permissions of this role can be set by default security endpoint, in example POST - /permissions/{tenantId} to add a permission, or/and can be changed by ROLE_DTSS_ADMIN

This table identifies the Reltio access permissions for Reltio services, resources, and sub resources defined for the ROLE_DTSS_DEPLOYER system role.

Permissions forAccess rights (service/ resource/ sub resource)Access privileges
Configuring tenant registrationdtss.config.registration
Configuring tenant subscriptionsdtss.config.subscription
Accessing DT datadtss.data
Monitoring different actionsdtss.monitoring
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Accessing APIs that manage DTSS tasksdtss.tasks