Unify and manage your data

Set Configuration

This operation sets the configuration for a tenant.

If there was a configuration already defined for this tenant, it is overridden with this operation.
Note: Before creating the tenant configuration, the tenant storage configuration should be created for the tenant (see below).


PUT {TenantURL}/configuration
Table 1. Parameters




Body Yes JSON object with Business Model configuration
Headers Content-Type Yes "Content-Type: application/json"


If the configuration is persisted successfully, then the response contains JSON of saved configuration for tenant. This response contains ids for all configured objects.


  • 301: Invalid rule specification in model for rule {0}. Reasons:

    • Business model should have the mandatory properties of condition, type, attribute and value.

  • 303: Reltio Business Model schema specification can't be parsed as XSD.

  • 304: Failed to validate business model. Validator failed on element {0} with error: {1}.

  • 305: Failed to process Reltio Business Model JSON during validation. Error: {0}. Validation of Reltio Business Model failed with error parsing Reltio Business Model specification in JSON.

  • 306: Failed to process Reltio Business Model JSON got in create configuration request.

Example Request

PUT{ TenantURL }/configuration Body:{ "label":"Test Business Model", "description":Test Business Model Configuration-used to describe Configuration API format", "schemaVersion":"1", "entityTypes":[ { "URI":"configuration/entityTypes/Individual", "label":"Individual", "name":"Individual", "description":"These entity types for representing people", "attributes":[ { "URI":"configuration/entityTypes/Individual/attributes/FirstName", "name":' FirstName", "label":"First Name", "type":"String" } ] } ] }

Example Response

PUT{ TenantURL }/configuration Body:{ "label":"Test Business Model", "description":"Test Business Model Configuration-used to describe Configuration API format", "schemaVersion":"1", "entityTypes":[ { "URI":"configuration/entityTypes/Individua", "label":"Individual", "name":"Individual", "id":"1" ;, "description":"These entity types for representing people", "attributes":[ { "URI":";configuration/entityTypes/Individual/attributes/FirstName", "name":"FirstName", "label":"First Name", "id":"2", "type":"String" } ] } ] }

Response always has an "id" property for all elements of collections. These "id"s are used to understand the difference between two versions of schema-defined what is changed, what elements are removed, and what elements are added.

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