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Configuring Survivorship Rules in the L3

This topic contains examples of configuring survivorship rules in the L3 configuration file.

You can define the survivorship rules in the L3 configuration file as well as in the Reltio UI. And any modifications made by a user in the Reltio UI will affect the definitions in the L3 accordingly. Below is a screenshot of an example section of the L3 configuration file for Survivorship.

Attribute Survivorship Configuration Examples

This section contains several examples of attribute survivorship strategy configuration in the L3 configuration file.

Attribute Survivorship Strategy Configuration Example

{ "URI":"configuration/entityTypes/Individual/attributes/MiddleName", "name":"MiddleName", "label":"Middle Name", "type":"String", "survivorshipStrategy":"SRC_SYS" }

Complex Attribute Survivorship Strategy Configuration Example

{ "URI" : "configuration/survivorshipStrategies/TwitterSRCSysStrategy", "parentStrategyURI" : "configuration/survivorshipStrategies/SRC_SYS", "label" : "Twitter Custom SRC_SYS Strategy", "mainSourceType" : "configuration/sources/TWITTER" }

Record Values-Based Source Priority Strategy Example

{ "URI": "configuration/survivorshipStrategies/CleanserWinsStrategy", "label": "Record values based source priority OV rule (based on ReltioCleanser)", "winnerSourceType": "configuration/sources/ReltioCleanser" }

Other Attribute Winner Crosswalk Strategy Example

{ "attribute": "configuration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/LastName", "survivorshipStrategy": "OtherAttributeWinnerCrosswalk", "primaryAttributeUri": "configuration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/FirstName" }