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Ruleset Configuration

You need to configure a ruleset in L3 and then associate it to a specific user or user role.

OV Rulesets Per Role

You can associate an operational value (OV) ruleset with the following:
  • User Role - You can associate an arbitrary role with a ruleset. If a user has multiple roles with rulesets assigned but does not have an associated ruleset, then the ruleset that comes first in the configuration is the winner.
  • User - If an OV ruleset is assigned to a user, it has higher precedence compared to an OV ruleset assigned to a user role.
If a user does not have any associated rulesets (by role or user), then the default ruleset is used.

Tenant Configuration

To activate assigning of a ruleset to a user or user role, create some non-default survivorshipGroups and add a mapping between user roles or a set of roles and the created groups as follows:

"PUT":{"TenantURL"}"/rulesetsConfiguration BODY":{ "configuration/entityTypes/HCP":{ ... "survivorshipGroups":[ { "uri":"configuration/entityTypes/Organization/survivorshipGroups/default", "Uri":"configuration/entityTypes/HCP/survivorshipGroups/group_test_1":[ "ROLE_TEST_1" ], "configuration/entityTypes/HCP/survivorshipGroups/group_test_2":[ "ROLE_TEST_2", "ROLE_TEST_3" ], "mapping":[ { "attribute":"configuration/entityTypes/Organization/attributes/Address", "survivorshipStrategy":"Aggregation" }, { "attribute":"configuration/entityTypes/Organization/attributes/Identifiers", "survivorshipStrategy":"Aggregation" } ] ... }
The mapping process has the following restrictions:
  • You cannot add a mapping to a non-existing group.
  • You cannot add an empty mapping.

If the request is successful, the response contains a list of mappings.

Current Rulesets

The current rulesets display the survivorship groups and roles that connect these survivorship groups to the current user. Use the following request to get the current rulesets:

GET: {TenantURL}/rulesetsConfiguration/currentRulesets RESPONSE: { "configuration/entityTypes/HCP": { "configuration/entityTypes/HCP/survivorshipGroups/group_test_1": [ "ROLE_TEST_1" ] } }

Additional Endpoints for Mapping

You can use the two endpoints mentioned below to add a mapping between user roles and created groups.

Use the following request to create a mapping for the specified entity type name:

PUT: {TenantURL}/rulesetsConfiguration/entityTypes/{entityTypeName}/survivorshipGroups BODY: { "configuration/entityTypes/HCP/survivorshipGroups/group_test_1": [ "ROLE_TEST_1" ], "configuration/entityTypes/HCP/survivorshipGroups/group_test_2": [ "ROLE_TEST_2" ] }

Use the following request to create a mapping for the specified survivorshipGroup in entity type:

PUT: {TenantURL}/rulesetsConfiguration/entityTypes/{entityTypeName}/survivorshipGroups/{groupUri} BODY: { "uri":"configuration", "label":"Layer3Configuration", "description":"simple-l3.v1", "schemaVersion":"1", "referenceConfigurationURI":"configuration/_vertical/life-sciences", "abstract":"false", "entityTypes":[ { "uri":"configuration/entityTypes/Organization", ... "survivorshipGroups":[ { "uri":"configuration/entityTypes/Organization/survivorshipGroups/default", "label":"Group A", "description":"Use Aggregate Values", "default":false, "roles":[ "ROLE_nPtADYqmF3qu1iy_SURVIVORSHIP" ], "mapping":[ { "attribute":"configuration/entityTypes/Organization/attributes/Address", "survivorshipStrategy":"Aggregation" }, { "attribute":"configuration/entityTypes/Organization/attributes/Identifiers", "survivorshipStrategy":"Aggregation" } ] } ] } ] ... }
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