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Interaction Types

Define types of interactions that are recognized by a tenant configuration.

The Interaction Types section of Configuration API is responsible for defining types of interactions that are recognized by a tenant configuration. An interaction is generally any kind of transaction-like event that has a date and time associated with it. These could be purchases, prescriptions, claims, call center activity, etc.

Object Structure

A collection of Interaction Types can be defined for a tenant configuration. Each Interaction Type has the following properties:

Table 1. Properties
Property Description Type
URI Path that is used to reach the interaction type. Format: configuration/interactionTypes/{TypeName} Required. String, URI
id Internal, system-generated ID. Used internally to get the difference between two versions of configurations when a configuration is updated. Required for the response JSON. String
label Readable name of the Interaction Type. Required. String
description Description for the Interaction type. String
extendsTypeURI URI of an Interaction Type which is extended by this type. String, URI
memberTypes A collection of possible member types. Examples can be: Participant, Organizer. Member type properties:
  • URI: String
  • name: String
  • id: String
  • label: String
  • objectTypeURI: Array of URIs of entity types and roles that can be members of the type.
  • minOccurs: Integer, equal or greater than 0. Identifies how many members can be of this member type. Default is 0.
attributes Attributes that are defined as standard for this type. Attributes can be of simple, nested and reference type. For details, refer to Attributes configuration.
Note: Not every interaction object will have all attributes defined in its interaction type. Also, an interaction object can have some attributes that are not defined in the configuration-custom attributes.
JSON object of Attributes Configuration
ignoreUniqueness If true, Data Access API and compaction will not perform uniqueness resolution (de-duplication) for interactions of this type. If false, regular uniqueness resolution is performed. Default is false. Boolean

Interaction Type: Meeting

Example of a Meeting Interaction Type configuration:

{ "URI": "configuration/interactionTypes/Meeting", "id": "31", "label": "Meeting", "attributes": [{ "URI": "configuration/interactionTypes/Meeting/attributes/Place", "name": "Place", "id": "32", "label": "Place", "type": "String" }, { "URI": "configuration/interactionTypes/Meeting/attributes/Notes", "name": "Notes", "id": "33", "label": "Notes", "type": "String" }], "memberTypes": [{ "URI": "configuration/interactionTypes/Meeting/memberTypes/participants", "name": "participants", "id": "34", "label": "participants", "objectTypeURI": ["configuration/entityTypes/Individual"], "minOccurs": 1 }, { "URI": "configuration/interactionTypes/Meeting/organizers", "name": "organizers", "label": "organizers", "id": "35", "objectTypeURI": ["configuration/entityTypes/Individual"], "label": "organizers", "minOccurs": 1 }] }
Note: Currently, "id" parameters are not supported by the Configuration API.

Interaction Type: Prescription

Example of a Prescription Interaction Type configuration:

"interactionTypes": [{ "URI": "configuration/interactionTypes/Prescription", "label": "Prescription", "ignoreUniqueness": true, "memberTypes": [{ "URI": "configuration/interactionTypes/Prescription/memberTypes/Beneficiary", "label": "Beneficiary", "name": "Beneficiary", "objectTypeURI": "configuration/entityTypes/Beneficiary" }, { "URI": "configuration/interactionTypes/Prescription/memberTypes/Product", "label": "Product", "name": "Product", "objectTypeURI": "configuration/entityTypes/Product", "minOccurs": 2 }] }
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