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Get Organization Match

Learn about the operation to get matching organizations from D&B based on account data such as name and address.

The Get Organization Match operation takes an entity as input and then uses the account data like name and address from the entity to search for the matching organizations in D&B. The result of the API is the set of matched records with D&B DUNS number.
Note: You may invoke the Get Org Match operation via the Get Match button in the UI.

The D&B DUNS number is updated in the account profile. If more than one DUNS numbers are found, multiple account profiles with matching criteria are returned and updated in the associated data tenant as potential matches. The data steward can then select one of the potential matches and merge the record. If no match is found, the API returns an error with an appropriate message.

The following Account profile attributes are updated as a result of the merge process.

D&B Match Detail LabelDescriptions
NameOrganization name used for D&B match.
entityURIA unique identifier provided by Reltio for every account.
AddressAll addresses returned by the get match request are displayed here.
Auto Match FlagPart of match rule for auto merge potential matches from DT to CT through the DTSS service
Suspected Match FlagPart of suspect match rule for potential matches from DT to CT through the DTSS service
Vendor Verification StatusOptions are Match or Match Error If the match process executes successfully and matching records are found in D&B, the flag is changed to a value of Match. If however, an error occurs during the match process, this value is changed to Match Error.
DUNS NumberThe DUNS number is the unique identifier assigned by D&B to this profile.
Organization DetailContains details about the organization status. If the organization is active the default attributes Member Role, Standalone, Operation status and Boneyard Organization are displayed.
Match QualityThe match quality is the confidence code. This code represents the confidence level of the data from D&B.
Vendor Verification DateThe last date when a D&B Match or Enrichment request was made by Account 360 application. This date value in tandem with the Vendor Verification Status can be used to determine when a D&B operation was performed on a profile in Reltio.


POST {{DnBConnectorUri}}/getOrgMatch
Table 1. Parameters
HeadersContent-TypeYesMust be Content-Type: application/json.
EnvironmentUrlYesThe environment url of the tenant.

Example: https://dev.reltio.com

TenantIdYesTenant ID

Reltio access token in the form Bearer: <<token>>, see Authentication API.

DnB-UserNoD&B account username or Consumer Key in Direct+.
Note: Not required if you provide the D&B token.
DnB-PasswordNoD&B account password or Consumer Secret in Direct+.
Note: Not required if you provide the D&B token.

D&B token in the form Bearer: <<token>>

Note: Not required if you provide the username and password.
QueryentityURIYesEntity URI's in the form entities/XXXX
plusNotrue or false. The default value is false. If set to true, the Direct+ based Get Org Match call is started.
Note: You must have a token or an account with the privileges for Direct+ API usage. Otherwise, an authentication error is raised.

Example - Request

POST https://dev-dnbconnector.reltio.com/b2bIntegration/dnb/getOrgMatch?entityURI=entities/1BGfXLUR


{ "success": "OK", "message": "1 Match(es)", "entities": [ "entities/1GsuMoU2" ] }
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