D&B Connector API Error Codes
Different types of API errors such as request errors, mapping errors, configuration errors, and so on occur at different stages of functioning of the D&B connector.
Reltio Errors
The following errors may occur when the connector works with Reltio API.
Error Code | Message | Occurs When | Response |
REL0001 | Reltio API error ({0}) | The connector fails to invoke the Reltio API. {0} is the Reltio error message. | Depends on Reltio API error. |
REL0003 | Reltio authorization error | Expired or invalid token. | Obtain the correct token and re-invoke the call. |
REL0004 | Reltio permission error. User has missing role(s) {0} | A user does not have appropriate Reltio roles to use the connector. {0} is required roles separated by comma. Currently, two roles are required: | Obtain the correct roles and re-invoke the call. |
REL0005 | Cannot handle error response from Reltio API request | Connector invokes Reltio API, but receives a response as non-json string. | Contact Reltio Support. |
REL0006 | Cannot handle error response from Reltio Authentication API request | Connector invokes Reltio Authentication API, but receives a response as non-json string. | Contact Reltio Support. |
REL0007 | Cannot write entity to Data Tenant {0} | Connector invokes Reltio API, but the user account has no permissions or has temporary problems. | Get the required roles and re-invoke the call. |
D&B Errors
The following errors may occur when the connector works with D&B API.
Error Code | Message | Occurs When | Response |
DNB0001 | DnB API error ({0}) | The connector fails to invoke the D&B API. {0} is the D&B error message | Depends on D&B API error. |
DNB0002 | DnB API authorization error | A user specifies invalid D&B credentials or expired/invalid token. | Obtain the correct token and re-invoke the call. |
DNB0003 | Cannot handle error response from DnB API request | Connector invokes D&B API, but receives a response as non-json string. | Contact Reltio Support. |
DNB0004 | DNB STP service is not available in this request | STP service is currently unavailable or not reachable. |
DNB0005 | Failed to read STP directory | Unable to read the directory contents on the STP server |
DNB0006 | Failed to initialize SFTP client | This error indicates a failure during the initialization of the SFTP client. |
DNB0007 | Failed to connect using provided server details | This error occurs during the first step of the SSH connection, which involves creating a connection using the username, host, and port. |
DNB0008 | Authentication failed using provided credentials | This error occurs during the second step of the SSH connection, which involves verifying the password. |
DNB0009 | Failed to read STP file | This error occurs while reading the file from the STP server. Issues might include network failures, file corruption, or insufficient permissions. |
DNB0010 | Failed to open STP file | This error occurs when attempting to open a file on the STP server due to incorrect file paths or access issues. |
DNB0011 | Failed to initialize SFTP session | This error occurs during the initialization of the SFTP session, potentially due to invalid credentials, SSH key issues, or network problems. |
Request Errors
The following errors may occur when a user specifies incorrect data in the request.
Error Code | Message | Occurs When | Response |
REQ0001 | {0} | User does not specify the required headers or query parameters. {0} is error message. | Fix request parameters depending on the error and re-invoke the call. |
REQ0002 | DUNS number is absent | User calls the connector for enrichment, but the organization has a missed DUNS Number attribute which is required for the D&B call. | Invoke the get match operation or merge the best suited potential matched organization if it was already invoked, for the DUNS Number to appear. After merging, re-invoke the call for enrichment. |
REQ0003 | Attribute Address.ISO3166-2 is absent | User invokes the get match call but the filter.json mapping result does not have the CountryISOAlpha2Code field. It means that Address does not have the attribute ISO3166-2 . | Specify the correct ISO3166-2 value or perform cleansing of address, and the ISO3166-2 value gets automatically updated. Re-invoke the call after updating the value. |
REQ0004 | Organization mapping from Get D&B Match response failed | User invokes the get match call but the mapping match.json is incorrect. | Check if the match.json file is correct or contact Reltio Support for help. |
REQ0005 | Reltio organization has no crosswalks section | User invokes an enrichment call but the organization does not have the crosswalk field. This is a rare scenario. | Check if the organization has the crosswalks field. |
REQ0006 | The entityUri parameter should be in entities/<entityId> format | User invokes the get match or enrichment call but the request parameter entityUri has incorrect format. | Specify the correct entityUri and re-invoke the call. |
REQ0007 | Input parameters validation error: {0} | User specified incorrect request parameters. {0} is error message. | Fix request parameters depending on the error and re-invoke the call. The current D&B connector endpoints do not use Hibernate validations to validate the request headers. This error is for future use. |
REQ0008 | Entity has no name | User invokes the get match call but the filter.json mapping result does not have the SubjectName field. It means that Address does not have the attribute name. | Specify the organization name and re-invoke the call. |
REQ0009 | Reltio entity doesn't contain appropriate address | User invokes the get match call but the filter.json mapping result does not have the StreetAddressLine-1 field. It means that Organization does not have an appropriate Address. By default, this address should have the type Shipping or Billing and Primary flag set to true . It can be customized in mapping for each customer. | Ensure that all the conditions are valid for a given organization address (depending on mapping) and re-invoke the call, or you may check if the connector is using the correct address model. |
REQ0010 | D&B data provided has been set, but body is null or empty | The request includes D&B data but lacks a valid body. | Ensure the body content is provided and properly formatted. |
REQ0011 | skipRelationsCreation flag is not allowed with separated locations and relations mapping | This flag is incorrectly used alongside separated mapping configurations. | Remove the flag or adjust the mapping configuration. |
REQ0012 | You must specify a filter in the request body | ||
REQ0013 | Unknown batch process type - must be get or put | ||
REQ0014 | File operation method is not supported - not PUT nor POST | ||
REQ0015 | Unable to upload file | ||
REQ0016 | Unable to download DnB result file | ||
REQ0017 | Family tree size is too long; please contact the engineering team | A family tree exceeds the acceptable size limits for processing. | Contact Reltio Support. |
REQ0018 | Monitoring identifier was not found | ||
REQ0019 | DnB customer reference parameter length greater than 240 characters | ||
REQ0020 | The D-U-N-S Number in the request is not valid | The D-U-N-S Number contains fewer/more than 9 digits or non-digit characters. | Ensure the D-U-N-S Number contains exactly 9 digits. |
REQ0021 | Background monitoring job must have S3 or STP credentials | This error occurs when the background monitoring job is started without providing S3 or STP parameters. |
Batch Errors
These errors happen during any asynchronous work of a batch monitoring job.
Error Code | Message | Occurs When | Response |
BCH0039 | Monitoring registration details does not contain any information | Internal D&B error happens during validation of registration details when, for some reason, D&B returned null instead of registration details. | Ask support. |
Configuration Errors
The following errors may occur when the connector works with the configuration files.
Error Code | Message | Occurs When | Response |
CFG0001 | Tenant is not registered | Specified tenant is not presented in any configuration profile | Use Connector Configuration Service to register tenant, then re-invoke call |
CFG0002 | Profile has missed files | Specified tenant is registered in configuration profile which has missed required files for correct connector work, for example one of the mapping files | Use Connector Configuration Service to check state of all required connector files, then re-invoke call |
CFG0003 | Bitbucket error | Errors occur while interacting with Bitbucket during configuration operations. | Check Bitbucket connectivity and configuration. |
CFG0004 | Specified profile not found | ||
CFG0005 | Tenant already registered | ||
CFG0006 | Profile already registered | ||
CFG0007 | Forbidden | ||
CFG0008 | Customer tenant not found | ||
CFG0009 | Status flags type is not recognized | ||
CFG0010 | Profile name must contain only alphanumeric characters, underscore or minus | An invalid profile name format is used. | Adjust the profile name to meet format requirements. |
CFG0011 | Rate limit for this resource has been exceeded | ||
CFG0016 | Invalid Config-Kind parameter. Possible values: default, nested, reflocation | The Config-Kind parameter is invalid or unsupported. | Use one of the valid parameter values. |
CFG0017 | Secured service does not contain username/password and token | ||
CFG0018 | DT is not configured for CT in profile, request can not be processed | ||
CFG0019 | Configuration error | ||
CFG0020 | Create profile error |
Mapping Errors
The following errors may occur when the connector performs mapping from one structure to another one.
Error Code | Message | Occurs When | Response |
MAP0001 | Internal mapping error | User invokes the get match call. | Contact Reltio Support. |
MAP0002 | Internal mapping error | User invokes the get match call. | Contact Reltio Support. |
MAP0003 | Internal mapping error | User invokes the get match call. | Contact Reltio Support. |
MAP0004 | Internal mapping error | User invokes the enrichment call. | Contact Reltio Support. |
MAP0005 | Internal mapping error | User invokes the enrichment call. | Contact Reltio Support. |
MAP0006 | Internal mapping error | User invokes the get match call. | Contact Reltio Support. |
MAP0007 | Internal mapping error | User invokes the get match call. Mapping filter.json is incorrect. | Review filter.json mapping. |
MAP0008 | Internal mapping error | User invokes the get match call. Mapping match.json is incorrect. | Review match.json mapping. |
MAP0009 | Internal mapping error | User invokes the enrichment call. Mapping enrichment.json is incorrect. | Review enrichment.json mapping. |
MAP0010 | Internal mapping error | User invokes the linkage call. Mapping batch.json is incorrect. | Review batch.json mapping. |
MAP0011 | Internal mapping error | User invokes the enrichment call. Mapping update_status.json is incorrect. | Review update_status.json mapping. |
MAP0012 | First tag must be start array | ||
MAP0013 | Cannot convert DnB Direct+ batch result to Reltio organization list | ||
MAP0014 | Cannot convert LNK_UPF result to the entities list | ||
MAP0015 | Cannot convert LNK_UPF_PLUS result to the entities list | ||
MAP0016 | Mapping type is invalid | ||
MAP0017 | Cannot convert mapping to JSON | ||
MAP0018 | Cannot convert DUNS transferred structure to org |