Unify and manage your data

Create a Profile

Learn how to create a profile for D&B connector

This operation creates a new empty profile with default mappings.

Each connector instance has configured Reltio authentication service. All production instances except preview instance configured to auth.reltio.com. To execute any configuration operation you have to be an authorized user on auth.reltio.com instance and have the CREATE privilege assigned.


POST {DnBConnectorUri}/config/profiles/{profileName}
Table 1. Parameters
Parameter NameRequired Description
Headers Content-Type Yes Should be "Content-Type: application/json".
Authorization Yes Information about authentication access token in format "Bearer <YourTokenId>" (see details in Authentication API).
Config-Kind No

Type of mappings in the profile. These types must exist in the source repository. The valid values are nested, default, b2b_velocity_pack.

Note: By default this value is nested. The value default is used to configure addresses as reference in the configuration. The value b2b_velocity_pack is strongly recommended for profiles that work with the B2B model.
Config-Flags No Mapping of status flags. The valid values are nested and empty. Nested means "Vendor Verification Status" attributes moving inside nested attribute
Note: By default this value is empty. If this value is nested the Vendor Verification Status attributes are moved inside of nested attributes. When the value of config-kind is equals to b2b_velocity_pack, the value of config-flag is always empty.
DnB-User NoD&B real time user name for UI buttons. Can be skipped if there are no UI buttons.
DnB-PasswordNoD&B real time user password for UI buttons. Can be skipped if there are no UI buttons.


{ "success": "OK", "profile": "testProfile", "profileConfiguration": { "dnb": { "username": "dnbUser", "password": "dnbPassword" } } }