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NPI HCO Match Rules

Learn about how the NPI HCO match rules help in identifying duplicate healthcare organization records.

These rules lists duplicate records as suspect matches. Note that the match rule names must match in the DTSS subscription.

Reltio has defined the following NPI HCO match rules for matching the healthcare organizations profiles.

  • ExactNPI

    The ExactNPI rule indicates that all healthcare organizations that have the exact Identifier Type that is NPI, and exactly the same Identifier Value, are suspect matches/potential records/duplicate records.

    Attribute Name Value
    Address Line 1
    Identifier ID Exact
    Identifier Type EE(NPI)
  • ExactNameAddressLine1Zip5

    The ExactNameAddressLine1Zip5 rule indicates that all healthcare organizations that have the exact Name, Address Line 1, and Zip5, are suspect matches/potential records/duplicate records.

    Attribute Name Value
    Name Exact
    Address Line 1 Exact
    Zip5 Exact
    Identifier ID
    Identifier Type
  • ExactNameNestedAddressLine1Zip5

    The ExactNameNestedAddressLine1Zip5 rule indicates that all healthcare organizations that have the exact Name, Address Type, Address Line 1, and Zip5, are suspect matches/potential records/duplicate records.

    In this match rule, the address attributes are from nested address that is "Addresses".

    Attribute Name Value
    Name Exact
    Address Type Exact
    Address Line 1 Exact
    Zip5 Exact
    Identifier ID
    Identifier Type
  • FuzzyNameAndExactNPI

    The FuzzyNameAndExactNPI rule indicates that all healthcare organizations that have the fuzzy Name, but exact Identifier Type that is NPI, and exactly the same Identifier Value, are suspect matches/potential records/duplicate records.

    Attribute Name Value
    Name Fuzzy
    Address Line 1
    Identifier ID Exact
    Identifier Type EE(NPI)
  • FuzzyNameAddressLine1ExactZip5

    The FuzzyNameAddressLine1ExactZip5 rule indicates that all healthcare organizations that have the fuzzy Name and Address Line 1, but exact Zip5, are suspect matches/potential records/duplicate records.

    Attribute Name Value
    Name Fuzzy
    Address Line 1 Fuzzy
    Zip5 Exact
    Identifier ID
    Identifier Type
  • FuzzyNameNestedAddressLine1ExactZip5

    The FuzzyNameNestedAddressLine1ExactZip5 rule indicates that all healthcare organizations that have the fuzzy Name and Address Line 1, but exact Zip5, and Address Type are suspect matches/potential records/duplicate records.

    In this match rule, the address attributes are from nested address that is "Addresses".

    Attribute Name Value
    Name Fuzzy
    Address Type Exact
    Address Line 1 Fuzzy
    Zip5 Exact
    Identifier ID
    Identifier Type
  • FuzzyNameExactStreetPremiseZip5

    The FuzzyNameExactStreetPremiseZip5 rule indicates that all healthcare organizations that have the fuzzy Name, but exact Premise, Street, and Zip5, are suspect matches/potential records/duplicate records.

    Attribute Name Value
    Name Fuzzy
    Address Line 1
    Premise Exact
    Street Exact
    Zip5 Exact
    Identifier ID
    Identifier Type
  • FuzzyNameExactNestedStreetPremiseZip5

    The FuzzyNameExactNestedStreetPremiseZip5 rule indicates that all healthcare organizations that have the fuzzy Name, but exact Address Type, Premise, Street, and Zip5, are suspect matches/potential records/duplicate records.

    In this match rule, the address attributes are from nested address that is "Addresses".

    Attribute Name Value
    Name Fuzzy
    Address Type Exact
    Address Line 1
    Premise Exact
    Street Exact
    Zip5 Exact
    Identifier ID
    Identifier Type
  • ExactNPINamePhysicalReferenceAddress

    The ExactNPINamePhysicalReferenceAddress rule indicates that all healthcare organizations that have the exact NPI, Name, and Physical Reference Address, are suspect matches/potential records/duplicate records.

    Attribute Name Value
    Address Line 1
    Identifier ID Exact
    Identifier Type EE(NPI)
  • ExactNPINamePhysicalNestedAddress

    The ExactNPINamePhysicalNestedAddress rule indicates that all healthcare organizations that have the exact NPI, Name, and Physical Nested Address, are suspect matches/potential records/duplicate records.

    Attribute Name Value
    AddressType Physical
    Address Line 1
    Identifier ID Exact
    Identifier Type NPI