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Activate HCP STD10 Recipe

Learn how to activate the STD10 recipes for HCP.

You must first activate the following recipes:
  • MedPro | PROC | STD10 - HCP Recipes TAsk Count and Durations
  • MedPro | PROC | STD10 - HCP Mapper Recipe
  • MedPro | PROC| STD10 - Reltio Export HCP & load STD10 file to SFTP

  • MedPro | PROC | STD10 - HCP File conversion - Python Code

After starting the other recipes, activate the following STD10 recipes to start the export of the HCP data:
  • MedPro | TRG | STD10 - HCP Main Recipe - You can activate this recipe by either scheduling cron expressions or specifying a schedule (Daily, weekly, or monthly) to start the job.
  • MedPro | TRG | STD10 - Reprocess HCP Failed Records - You can activate this recipe when any of the previous recipes failed and the failed records file is available to process. This recipe will call all the child recipes and stops automatically. You can reprocess multiple failed files in one run.

To activate the recipe:
  1. In the Reltio Integration Hub, select Recipes.
  2. In the Recipes page, select the MedPro | TRG | STD10 - Reprocess HCP Failed Records recipe.
  3. Select Start Recipe to activate the recipe.

    When the job is completed, the job status is updated in the MedPro STD10 Job Statistics - Lookup table. You will receive an email notification about the status of the job. A sample of the notification is given below: