Unify and manage your data

Profile Stats

Generate record statistics and graphs.

The Profile Stats facet enables you to generate a statistics and graph of all records that are added, updated, deleted, matched, auto-merged, merged, manually merged, and unmerged in the data tenant for the selected date range. By default, it shows statistics of the Last 7 Days. You can hover over at different graph points to view the total count of records added, updated, processed, or deleted on a particular date.

The number displayed above the terms, such as New, Updated, Deleted and so on, are counters that simply represent the number of events for the respective term. For example, the number 51 above Updated indicates that 51 update events were triggered within the specified time frame. The terms mentioned on the graph are explained as follows:
  • New - The total number of new records loaded into the tenant.
  • Updated - The total number of new records updated in the tenant.
  • Deleted - The total number of records deleted from the tenant.
  • Matched - The number of profiles (events) identified as potential matches by the suspect match rule.
  • Auto-merged - The number of profiles (events) that merged as a result of the automatic match rule.
  • Manually merged - The number of profiles that were merged by a data steward from the list of potential matches.
  • Not a match - The number of profiles marked as Not a match by a data steward from the list of potential matches.
  • Unmerged - The number of profiles that were unmerged by a data steward from the Reltio UI.
Note: When you search for potential matches in a tenant, the UI displays the total number of potential matches in your tenant at the point. However, the number above Matched in the graph indicates the number of potential matches available in the tenant for the specified time frame.
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