Unify and manage your data

Mappings configuration

Learn about the mappings section of the Subscriptions API.

The Subscriptions configuration includes the mappings section to control how entities and attributes in the Data Tenant (DT) are mapped to the corresponding entities and attributes in the Customer Tenant (CT).

The data model in the CT may be different from the data model in the DT. Entities, relations and their attributes could have different names. You might want to map an attribute on the DT to a different attribute on the CT. Or maybe, you want to map a single attribute on the DT to multiple attributes on the CT. Alternatively, you just want to subset the attributes on the DT to be mapped to the CT. The mappings section gives you a way to control the mapping of the attributes of the DT to the CT.

If the mappings section is empty, DTSS maps every entity and relationship attribute in the DT to each corresponding identical attribute in the CT. If the CT does not have an identical attribute to the DT, it is not mapped. This is the simplest case where there is a strict one-to-one mapping from the DT to the CT. However, if you want to map a subset of the DT attributes, or, if the attributes on the CT have different names from those on the DT, they can be mapped on the mappings section as shown in the example below.

Two properties are used to control the behavior and enable you to map different entity types to each other:
  1. copyFromDT - This specifies which entity in the DT is used as the source of the data.
  2. copyToCT - This specifies the target for the data.

The attributes section within the mappings section is used to specify mappings of individual attributes. To understand the different ways in which you can map CT and DT attributes, see the following example topics.

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