Unify and manage your data

Subscription configuration

Learn about configuring your DTSS subscription.

This section describes the options in the data tenant subscription that can be used to control the operation of DTSS for a customer tenant. For more information on the DTSS architecture, see topic Reltio DTSS components.

The Data Tenant (DT) is the source of the data to be shared. Data from the DT can be shared with one or more customer tenants (CTs). When a change happens on the DT, an event is published on the event queue. The DTSS application service monitors the event queue and processes the events as they happen.

The Subscription controls how changes in the DT are applied to the CT. There are several high-level parameters in the configuration file that control the overall behavior of the subscription.

Sample Subscription configuration file [ { "dataTenant": { "id": "{dataTenantId}" }, "customerTenant": { "id": "{customerTenantId}" }, "bringGoldenRecord": "{bringGoldenRecord}", "bringInternalSources": "{bringInternalSources}", "mappings": "{mappings}", "security": "{security}", "eventsConfiguration": "{eventsConfiguration}", "importRelationsConfig": "{importConnectionConfiguration}", "groupContributors": "{groupContributors}", "supportEmail": "{email}", "fullImportLogCF": "{cassandraColumnFamily}", "fullImportLogESIndex": "{elasticsearchIndex}" } ]
Explanations for some of the important parameters in the subscriptions API are given below.
  1. dataTenantId - This is the ID of the data tenant that the subscription controls.
  2. customerTenantId - This is the ID of the customer tenant that is subscribed to the data tenant.
  3. bringGoldenRecord - This controls whether only operational values (OVs) in the DT are used for matching with the CT. If this is set to true, then only the DT OVs are used for matching, otherwise, all the values in the DT are used. This is quite similar to the use only OV on a match rule. For more information, see topic Search by Operational Value Only.
  4. bringInternalSources - This is a list of source types on the DT that should be used to transfer data to the CT. If the value is set to the wild card character (*), then all sources on the DT are used for matching in the CT.
  5. mappings - This controls how entities and attributes in the DT should be mapped to the corresponding entities and attributes in the CT.
  6. eventsConfiguration - This controls which events in the DT should be processed for each CT.
  7. synchronizationConfig - This controls how synchronization between the DT and CT should be handled. You can choose to either do the transfer in real time or do it in batch mode. You can also specify which DT match rule should be used for matching with the CT.
  8. importRelationsConfig - This specifies how changes to relations in the DT should be handled.
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